yucky water in bater am I DOOMED


16 Years
Mar 18, 2008
Vancouver WA
Ok, just went to check the temps and humidity in the gopher-bator. I noticed in the pan of water there is a little gunk in there. Looks almost moldy. Am I doomed? Should I just toss all the eggs out and start over. We did a really good cleaning job on cooler prior to turning it into a bator, and after all the drilling before we set it up. But we didnt bleach it (we did use anti bacterial soap).
Am I doomed?
Should I try changing the water? that would mean taking the eggs all out for a while to clean pan and change water
I'm not sure about thedirty water, but i don't think it would hurt to take the eggs out for 15-20 minutes, or however long it would take you to clean it. Remember, the hen usually gets off the nest at least once a day.
ya just clean it,, you could set hem on a heating pad,( set on low or medium) while you clean it,,, out of the bator for a few minutes is fine in my opinion,,, or else we all would be doomed every time we candled,,that said,, let your bator heat back up completly before putting the eggs back in,, cause it will run on high till the temp is met.
Yes, take all the eggs out and clean it, if the water is gunky that means there is bacteria growth and that can cause problems as the chicks hatch.
I'm not sure I'd bleach it. You really should let something dry completely after bleaching to neutralize the bleach. You might not want to leave the eggs out that long. I'd probably just dump the water and refill.
Or you could make a temp water pan until it dries. I use butter bowls for extra humidity in my bator, cut down to fit under the wire. (Always new those stupid things would come in handy for something!) Maybe you could use something like that?

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