Zane... An Update for Those Interested

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Thank you, Mahonri. Now, we hope we will know when it's time to quit. SO hard to give up on Zane when we love him so much. If we could just see some small sign of improvement in the leg, we'd keep on going. Who knew you could be so attached to a rooster? And I never thought I'd have a rooster in a playpen in my livingroom, LOL! Zane deserves every chance we can give him. I'll post another update in a week or two or sooner if something changes.
WOOHOO!!! I sure hope he can make a full recovery, or at least enough to be able to be with the flock again!!! Go Zaners!!!
Wow sure have been through alot with this "little" guy. Im so glad to hear that the infection is gone. I am sure with the aspirin therapy...and the physical and DH will get Zane up and running again. I can just see him falling asleep in your arms. What a great momma you are. Keep up the good fight...your almost there.!
Good job on beating that infection. Best wishes for a full recovery. You're such a good mama hen Cyn!

Aww Cyn, Zane is so lucky to have you. I hope this special guy will recover. Give him a kiss on the beak from me and tell him I'm pulling for him.
Cyn - you are an amazing lady to care so much.

I wanted to share that you are not alone. I picked up some chicks from a lady this past spring who had a BR hen in an over sized dog crate in her house. The hen had an injury and is unable to use her leg. But she manages to get around well with her good leg and wings. The hen seemed happy. And the lady said as long as the hen does not appear to be sufferring, is eatting and drinking, she will have a place to live.
So glad that pesky infection seems to have been squelched!
Sending tons of good wishes for Zane and for his wonderful human friends.
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