Zane... An Update for Those Interested

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Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Thanks to Dr. Peter Brown, Zane seems to have licked the hock infection.
Doc sent me a very powerful antibiotic to try. We've finished 10 days and no more infection, just a tiny hard knot where it used to be. We are doing physical therapy, trying to get the leg to unbend. Still, he has no movement in his toes at all. They dont bend, grip or even seem like they belong to a live bird.

Doc suggested giving Zane a couple of baby aspirin three times a day, which I'll do in a day or so when I make it into town to get them. Maybe that will squelch the pain enough that we can stretch and move that hock joint and get it going again.

This is by no means over. We will do all we can to get Zane moving again and give him every chance to recover. If you could see that rooster falling asleep in my arms, you'd know why we are still fighting the good fight for him. He's my pal, my Hawkeye's son, so he's very special in many ways, this handsome fella. We'll see it through till and unless it's obvious there's no hope for recovery.
YAY ZANE!!! I'm so glad to hear he beat the infection. Hopefully he will be ready for therapy now that he doesn't have that holding him down.
I wonder if heat therapy would work? But I'm also wondering how you would apply heat so that it's theraputic and not hurtful to Zane.
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