Zane, Chapter 7/Update

Right now, he has my Buff Brahma, Caroline, with him during the day in the pen. She molted so badly, that her feathers were bleeding every time a rooster grabbed her. She's quite a bit safer with Zane and he has a girl to watch over. He'll miss her in a few days when her feathers grow long enough to let her go with the others, though.
I wish she could, but he's in a wire dog kennel, Great Dane size, inside Suede's coop (half is Suede's side and half has the broody pen with Zane's kennel sitting on top of it, close to the window). Caroline is living in the broody pen, then she and Zane are together during the day in the outside pen. That way, even Zane cant bother her in close quarters. I think him having company during the day is probably enough. The outside pen that we call the separation pen is covered and attached to the main pen, so he does have girls running all around him during the day. I dont want to put any with him that would attack him, only the sweeter-natured ones.
Dutch and Mace are very young, so they dont have the maturity that Zane does, but they're learning.
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That's a very difficult decision to make, my heart goes out to you....

Idon't know if this will help, but I'd like to share a story with you.
Boots is a tiny OEGB hen that I rescued from a coyote trap. She had severely infected feet, frostbite, and only one toe left on each foot.
After months of bandages and antibiotics, her feet healed and now she walks, but with a limp.
I wanted to put her with the other chickens, but they ganged up on her, so I just figured she would have to live in a cage in my kitchen with occasional supervised "play time" outside.

I went to a swap and saw two hens that look like her, but twice her size. I took a chance and brought them home as friends for her. She immediately pecked them into submission and now they are buddies! They sit with her under her favorite bush and at night they roost on either side of her with one wing each draped over her to keep her warm.
They wait until I lift her down and carry her outside before coming out themselves.

A few weeks ago a domestic duck showed up and just moved in. He protects her from anyone that gets too close (even me!) and now I don't have to worry about her when I let the others out to free range.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, maybe the right friend could make all the difference.....

But whatever you decide in the end, it will be the right thing for Zane...... he is obviously much loved!
I'm so sorry, Cyn. You know me....if I were Zane's caretaker, I'd do whatever I possibly could, as you are.

Something that really helped me in the past, and maybe this will help you, too...I had a dog that had severe hip dysplasia. When we took her to the vet to find out what meds to put her on, we asked the vet what would happen next, and she listed what we would see as she went through this and got worse. DH and I made a decision that when our dog got to a certain point in her degradation, that it would be time to put her down. We watched all the signs the vet told us would happen, knowing we were getting closer and closer. Finally, the day arrived when that one thing happened. We looked at each other and knew that was the day to help her pass.

Maybe you can do the same thing with this situation with Zane? Decide if he gets too bad, to a certain point, if something were to happen...I dunno. I'm not an eloquent writer or speaker, but I'm sure you know what I mean. I think sometimes, it makes it a bit easier and comfortable to accept if we decide in advance. Know what I mean?

That being said, here's hoping he NEVER gets to that point!
He's a beautiful bird. I would be doing the same thing for his care. I can hardly look at your pictures (especially the BRs) lately because of my recent loss.

I hope he improves for you. (and for him too!)
Sending you and Zane both lots and lots of hugs, Cyn.
Cyn, I agree completely with what Jody said. I love your birds dearly and it makes me weepy to think of losing Zane but.................winter is coming on and you must be the one to make this decision. We will support you 100% on whatever decision you make, but you know it still comes back to you as you will know best as to what to do. God be with you and my prayers are with you.
Sounds like you are doing everything right and he is not suffering. Just watch for infection and get some antibiotics in him fast if he needs it.


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