Zane, Chapter 7/Update

I am just at a loss for words. I have typed and deleted so many times and the words seem so useless
You guys are so sweet and helpful. It may take a few days for my DH to decide what he wants to do-he is so attached to Zane, just like I am. Meanwhile, Zane is getting more antibiotics pumped into him so the infection doesnt get worse, so I'll let you know when something new happens. Zane is cheerful and sweet and seems content at the moment and his overall health is excellent, as far as I can tell.
I wish I could offer you some advice on how to fix that boy for good. I really think it would take amputating that leg though. If I was in some way able to get you some local anesthetic, would you want to try it? At this point, I don't see that you would have anything to loose. You would have to be careful to get well above the infection, so it doesn't spread anymore than it already is. It really would be best if you got the infection cleared out again, then did the procedure. After the procedure, it would be important to do another round of antibiotics with him just incase. Let me know if you'd like me to see if I can get something for you. I'd be more than happy to help in anyway.
Cynthia, I am so sorry to hear that Zane has ad a relapse. :aww Here's a hug to you & Tom in hopes that there will be a resolution soon. Maybe one last try of another med will do the trick. It's worth a shot at least. Hang in there!

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