My banty Cochin, Shadow, is often out with her three babies at the same time I put Zane out to get fresh air and sunshine. She seems to have no issue with him being close to her chicks at all; in fact, they play all around him without a hint of concern from Shadow and she is one feisty mama, let me tell you! Today, one baby was getting off by itself and Zane raised up high and kept a fatherly eye on it till it came back to mama. He's never been around chicks before and Shadow and he were never in the same flock, since Zane was crippled before Shadow was even hatched. Thought you'd enjoy these pics of Zane and his little family he's sort of adopted. The babies are 15 days old now. The last pic is a bit blurry, but I liked the expression on his face. I have pictures of his daddy, Hawkeye, with that exact same expression.