Zeke grabbing Gabbys chest


Oct 2, 2017
New Hampshire
Zeke is my runner, I am pretty sure she is a girl though, she has a such a loud quack, Gabby is my Rouen female. They have been raised together since they have been a couple days old
They are only about 9 weeks, always got along

This morning when I went out to let them out of the coop, They always go for the pool (more Gabby than Zeke) Well I noticed today, while they were swimming Zeke started grabbing Gabby by the chest and just pulling here around the pool, she didn't seem bothered by it, kind of like I really prefer you didn't do that look, she didn't do anything back didn't fight to get away.

Like I said they are both females, about 9 weeks old so I don't think it is puberty. it wasn't violent, not quacking or noises from either one of them during this.
I dunno maybe Zeke is jealous because Gabby has a much bigger chest than her lol

Any ideas what this behavior is about?
Thank you
LOL I have noticed they aren't all into the whole sharing thing mostly with my younger ducklings and chickens, they will for the most part share until they believe they are getting more treats than them when I put their veggies down. then it is a little push with the bill

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