Zeke's behavior


Oct 2, 2017
New Hampshire
Zeke my Black runner, and is a Girl. Is just about 2 1/2 months old, along with Gabby my Rouen.

Zeke has been with Gabby since the day I brought them home. they are buddies and now they are buddies with my Swedish.
Though she is buddies with them, she is fine sitting in the pool by herself or what have you but for the most part they are always together.

Lately I noticed she is being little I don't want to say mean because I don't think she is being mean, I think it is just duck behavior but I wanted to make sure

She been grabbing the other ducks, (all of them) head, butt, neck, yesterday I swear she was trying to mate with them, I know that is normal even if they are all girls (well I know at least 3 of them are)
She was jumping on all of them in the pool grabbing their necks. Gabby just took it in stride and was like hey that just happened and went about her way
The smaller ones about 1 1/2 months old were like i;m trying to swim here, and get out and few min later go back in

She doesn't do it for a long time just random spurts. I thought 2 1/2 months was a little too young for pre-pubescent antics

It doesn't really seem to bother the others they rather just do without.

Any ideas what this might be? or is 2 1/2 months about the right age to start this..
thank you
Just establishing her spot in the flock. To us it looks mean, but that's how they do it.

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