Zero Eggs!😫

Completely normal, unless you are providing supplemental light. Hens shut down on the shorter light days of winter. It's good for their longevity, if that matters to you. I have 60+ hens this winter and in the last 4 weeks, we've been in the single digits. I added 7 hens in April, who are pretty much the only ones laying right now, and another 20 hens in September. They'll start laying in March. Basically, if you want winter eggs, get chicks in April/May. They won't be molting in September and will be more likely to lay in the short days of winter as it's their first season. Older hens will shut down, but, for me, I'm fine with that, because it means they will live and lay longer.
I won’t do supplemental lights I read it’s not really good for them it’s unnatural to force their laying so Id much rather let nature run it’s course. I have a light but it’s a nighttime bulb so it doesn’t give off light just for heat. They do need the heat they aren’t very winter hardy birds. My chicks were purchased in May!
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
Hello: I'm in southern Ontario, Canada so our climate is similar. What you're experiencing is normal. One thing not mentioned is some breeds are better winter layers than others. Chickens need about 14 hours of daylight to lay eggs so starting in October I put a 100 watt bulb ( not 60 watt, it's not bright enough) and turn it on @ about 2 or 3 am. DON'T LEAVE ON ALL NIGHT. Chickens need rest too. One important thing is DON'T turn it on at dusk, then turn off in the middle of the night because that will stress the chickens when they are all moving around and the light goes off. They won't be on the roost and some might get hurt if jumping up or down to a laying box or roost and it suddenly goes dark. The light also has a small heat effect so be sure you have it hanging high enough so they don't come in to contact with it and its in a good hanging brooder lamp fixture.( $12 at the feed store). That will help.
As for supplemental lighting and longevity. My banties go outside in a fenced run when there is no snow so there are dangers( hawks, fishers,foxes that can jump 6 feet) and I have had many silkies and cochin crosses live to 12,13, 15 years.
Our girls go through a molt from late Fall and stop laying. I switch them to protein feed to help grow feathers. In early Spring when they stop dropping feathers I switch back to layer feed. They usually begin laying sometime in March. We're in northern Indiana.
I'm glad you asked this because I'm only getting 0-1 egg daily from my 3 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Rhode Island Reds. When I do get an egg, it's from the Reds. I've been tempted to put a light in the run to extend the daylight hours, but I figure that its probably better to let nature takes its course. Oh, and they just finished their moult.
Everyone is definitely not still getting eggs 😂, or at least reduced number! As above, there are various factors involved, especially this time of year. Some people even have to - gasp - buy eggs ...
My girls have not given me eggs since October. I finally have one- a light brown leghorn- giving me one two days in a row, skip a day, then two days. The rest are still on hiatus. Yes, I have had to go to the store and buy eggs- I actually got caught by a co worker who occasionally gets a dozen eggs from me. My face was red and I had to swear to him that I do have chickens.
In western New York and I’m still getting eggs. My flock is 7 months as well. I have 21 hens and 2 Roo’s. Been averaging about 11-12 eggs a day. I can say the Astralorps and Barred Rocks are my best layers by far. So maybe the decline in your eggs is breed related. Just a thought.
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
Too cold and too dark. They slow down in the winter anyway with less light. Don't worry, just wait it out.

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