Zima's eggs are due :)


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I brought all of her eggs in yesterday and gave her about 6 new ones. Well today is the due date and so far i've got nothing but I candled and a few look like they're on their way. There was also a few that were behind in development so i guess they'll be staying in the incubator for a while with Kahluas extra eggs.

This was her first time brooding and I am REALLY hoping for a good hatch.

There was also 1 egg that looked like it was into the air sac but it wasn't moving at all. i wanted to crack it but i just put it back incubator and will hope it hatches.

If I were you I would check on the one that internally pipped again. Just Monday I had to eggs internally pip way too early and the humidity wasn't high enough so they could move around 2 externally pip and they both suffocated. If the baby still isn't moving or isn't move enough or too much I would open a tiny air hole for it.

ETA: I expect pics asap
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I opened him up and he moved a tiny bit when i wiggled his bill. I just put ahole in the membrane so his tiny bill could stick out a little. He was Really dry, not sure why though, humidity is at 70-ish %

I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on this one, there was still yolk in there.

Everyone else looks good, but no babies pipped or out yet.

PS: it looks maybe chocolate.
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