Zombie apocalypse and chickens...


9 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Granbury, Tx
I know that I have been thinking too much about my coop design now.

Last night I had a dream that I was tending to my chickens when the zombie apocalypse hit. My husband and I thought that the safest place to hide would be in the chicken coop. We hid there for months (no clue how we fed the chickens, none of them were missing either...) until the worst was over. During that time we had heard scratchings and scrapings outside the coop and all around the fenced yard. During the day we could see the zombies trying to get in the fence and failing horribly. The electric wire was vaporizing them. Though how the power stayed on I don't know.

After we thought it was safe we went out hunting for supplies and I remember that I was more excited to find wood so I could expand the chicken coop even bigger! Lol.

There was more to the dream I am pretty sure but I can't remember it all. Needless to say today I am not working on finding supplies for the coop (craigslist hunting for free goods) nor tweaking my plans. Maybe a couple of days off and my dreams will go back to just random stuff.
I know how you feel! My husband and I was obsessed by planning our coop. We fussed alittle when my husband said, "I know what I'm going to do." But I wanted it on paper. We dreamed all the time, crazy dreams. Every night! And mourned when the first night we put them out in the coop, a dog broke through the door and grabbed one! You can really get obsessed! He says he has OCD, Obessive Chicken Disorder! lol
Lol, we have been thinking about chickens so much that both of us are starting to incorporate them into our dreams. It's gotten pretty bad considering we won't even have the chicks until September! (which means they avoid the worst of the Tx heat growing up)
that is totally wild that you dreamed of the zombies and your chickens.we have a retail store and sell zombie targets and our biggest seller is zombie 9mm.lol i'am so glad that i'am not the only one obsessed with their chickens.some nights i will hear my chickens in my sleep.wake up and lay their listening.and realize it was just a dream.with two layers of wire and two strings of hot wire running around their coop.i feel they are very safe.but as i drift off to sleep i still worry.
Well darn it, my dreams haven't gotten much better. Even though I stopped working on my design and checking my order status. Now I seem to have added some goats to the pen. This dream keeps getting weirder and weirder. Maybe it's the new meds for my back.
Oh, and my daughter says Zombies will eat chickens... so hiding in a chicken coop is not a good idea.


Goats, eh?

I just got my sheep delivered last month, and they are so much fun to watch!
Go get your goats, you'll enjoy 'em!

I'm thinking about running a pig in the pasture with my sheep...
Maybe 2moro nite you'll dream of pigs!

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