Zombie attack

how much cash do you think you need in each situation?

A) have to relocate within your country at a moment's notice

B) bad things are happening, and you have minimal time to prepare

C) money is no longer desired tender, what do you stock up on instead?
chickensducks&agoose :

how much cash do you think you need in each situation?

A) have to relocate within your country at a moment's notice

B) bad things are happening, and you have minimal time to prepare

C) money is no longer desired tender, what do you stock up on instead?

A) My bug out location is in norther Michigan. You can't find it on any maps, and you can't use a compass up there either
- Free, Inherited 130 yo log cabin on a lake

B) Grab my bug out bag, load my LTS food and get in my big van. Van is a 15 passenger Dodge Ram. Limo black tint on all but windshield and driver n passenger sides... Take me 2 hours to load up a years worth of supplies to go to my bug out location for 10 people. -- Free, van donated by church... about $1500 worth of food, supplies and camping gear

C)Guns, Ammo, Food, Gold -- Another 3-5k worth of dollars from Norte Americana​
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A) have to relocate within your country at a moment's notice

I think 3k would do it, gas to get wherever, and then rent plus last and deposit, somewhere out of the way, cheap rent, get a job etc.

B) bad things are happening, and you have minimal time to prepare
I'd say 5k, to last minute buy stuff.

C) money is no longer desired tender, what do you stock up on instead?
I think ammo for sure, and things like honey and sugar, beer....
I bought the parts to weld up the frame for my land sailor. There are plenty of kits to build it out of wood but I think steel would be better. Every time I see a trailer, I look at the axle and a tiny part of me wants to steal the good ones. Not go buy one... steal it. It's like I'm already thinking the world ended and stealing from the dead would be okay. I already OWN a trailer, with a great axle on it. I need to weld it before the zombies take over and I have to go steal a generator, to run my welders.

When I think about the big, boat trailers, I think "All I need is to weld on the front end of a girl's bicycle and you could send your kid to get the boat trailer. They could sail it to the dock." I'm always there to compound a catastrophe.

Think how much a boat weighs. Couple of tons? Launch the boat and I can make that trailer into a vehicle that runs on air and can carry everything in your house! I'd think living in Kansas, or somewhere, like that, would be prefect. Great soil (I swear, I'd plant all my veggies, within ten feet of the road). Couple of years for the deer to move back in, then a few more before the cougars come and *very* few zombies. I still need some empirical evidence that zombies can be filleted or stir fried. I don't want them ruining my Mongolian Human dinner. Man. I just got depressed. If the zombies take over, it'll be a long time before I can get ahi tuna again
Sad smilies just don't cut it for my feelings for really good sushi. I'd pretend it's Waterworld and sail off. If I catch just one Zombie-tuna, I'd cry all the way back to port.

It'd be a postcard of life, not worth living [big sad-smiley].
Did you see what you need to agree to to register?!?! Why can't all my forums be like that?????

QUOTE: "I certify under penalty of banning that I am over the age of 16 and hold full responsibility for my actions. I also promise to spell check my posts and contribute meaningful, intelligent discourse under penalty of being thrown to the zombies."

[dropping to knees] Oh great Lord, in heaven... please let BYC incorporate this line into their by-laws and require a resigning. Pretty please!!!
Did you see what you need to agree to to register?!?! Why can't all my forums be like that?????

QUOTE: "I certify under penalty of banning that I am over the age of 16 under penalty of being thrown to the zombies."

[dropping to knees] Oh great Lord, in heaven... please let BYC incorporate this line into their by-laws and require a resigning. Pretty please!!!

If that rule is implemented on byc I will throw you to the zombies.
chickensducks&agoose :

how much cash do you think you need in each situation?

A) have to relocate within your country at a moment's notice
Mom's car + food + batteries + friends if possible = about $650

B) bad things are happening, and you have minimal time to prepare
Mom's keys + Dad's baseball bat + our two weeks of food = free

C) money is no longer desired tender, what do you stock up on instead?
Guns, ammo, canned food, and beer in terms of bartering.
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