Zombie Hen, or a better idea?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 9, 2009
Yesterday I came home after temps reaching around 120 degrees in the barn, and prolly 108 in the shade, and found 1 hen knocking on Deaths door. Each day when i get home i go to the pen and spray the ground, of their pen to help cool it, and also spray the barn so there is shaded, (and sometimes breezy) spots for them to dig into. Then hen that was down looked as if she may have been attacked, even though i found no feathers or even evidence of attack. She was wedged under a shelf, and had no feathers on her chest. Well between finding her and getting her out of the area where she was, she appeared a bit stiff, and eyes were half shut. My husband and i rushed her to water, tried to get water down her throat, we also used the waterhose to cool her off, but right before my eyes, and in my husbands hands, she seemed to take her last breath, and her head flopped down. Hubby laid her to the side on top of a wire cage, and we put everyone away. He stayed to water the garden, and then he came up to the house to tell me "That bird ain't dead". So we put her in a seperate cage, and she still seemed like maybe her neck was broken, and it was just a comfortable place to pass away.
Being the tender heart I am i went down right at dark and checked everyone out, and there she is, sitting up eyes bright. So i bring her in the house, place her in a large dog kennel, with some scrambled egg with shell. We also gave her pedia-lite. Diluted with water and only about maybe an ounce. I figured morning would be the end, but nope. there she was, still not quick to jump up nor move around. OK Good first day after (death?). we both work full time and so we leave her inside and she seems much better after work. She had eated a lil bit of the eggs, and i guess drank some.
Question is: Does anyone know if i could be doing more? Is pedialite ok for birds? I've had them beating back the grasshopper population at my home, with a side of scratch grains, so i'm not sure what i should be feeding her.

Anyone who has any idea, please post. It dawned on me that with her quick recovery she may be a Zombie.
While my co-workers joked that she faked it so she could beat the heat in the house.

Thanks friends,
Jena In Texas
Thanks. So far so good, I told her that is she was better tonite when i got home she could go outside. Hopefully her chick friends will be glad to see her still alive.

I remember that part of the Princess Bride. She was definately "mostly dead"

What kind are they? Sometimes the girls can be drama queens
My flock is a mix. this hen is a small red hen with blackish feathers on her tail.

I'm having a tough time believing a chicken could be that much of a drama queen. However, i do not know what all chickens are capable of.

On a light note, after 2 days and nights in the house and a lil bit cooler, i allowed her out into the kitchen to see if she would eat some bread. She did, so i put her outside, and with that she seemed happy to be back with her chicky girl friends. So maybe i have a Zombie Chicken, and maybe The hubby's quick actions really brought her back.



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