Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?


11 Years
Jan 3, 2009
Oregon, west of Portland
I had my Silkie on display, and this is a question I got:
"What kind of rabbit is that? And where could I get one?"
I politely answered the question as best I could, and then me and my friends were LOLing for a very long time.
I was walking my goat.
" Say 'May I pet your dog?'" In all seriousness, from a mom to her kid. The kid then looked at me and said "That's a weird looking dog."

Oh, and I was earnestly informed that if a chicken bit me, I would get rabies and have to get a shot. That's why I shouldn't show chickens.

Also, somebody was calling the Romneys goats, and my Nubians sheep.
So? What have you got? I can't think of any more right now, but I'm sure you have some. I can't wait till Fair, so I can collect some more.
<no offense to city slickers, but I doubt there are any on here, and if there are, then I need to inform them that they can be truly hilarious>

That reminds me, a grown man heard I was good with chickens, and told me that his daughter was trying to hatch an egg from the fridge by wrapping it in her favorite blankies and sweaters. He was worried they would hatch.

I gave a green egg to my neighbor. She asked if it was covered in poo.
Man, you guys are jarring my memory!
Also, people freak out when they see my frizzle's eggs. They seem to think they were "born" prematurely.

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