Things i never knew about chickens...


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
The happier my girls are the happier I am.

Chickens are actually very pretty.

Chickens don't like the dark.

They have big personalities.

Chicken doesn't taste as good as it used to;)

*add yours
Yeah people don't normally think of chickens as predators, but it would suck to be a mouse who accidentally gets into a chicken run.
It's hilarious to watch my birds fight over a worm. One grabs it and the rest chase it till they manage to get a piece.
Chicks poop a lot!
I never knew that the words "I have nine chickens and I'm a part of an online chicken keeping community" would ever come out of my mouth :)

So long story short, I never knew those cute little chicks could make me so happy and be a rewarding hobby for me.
I never thought that I would love having chickens. I never thought I would be entertained by chickens. The list goes on and on.


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