Recent content by bella253

  1. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yes welcome from north of scranton...I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do... Lori
  2. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Next weeks High temp. 30 degrees for us in the northeast,day time temp too- good girls will be hanging out under the heat lamps... The winds are terrible here, power has been flickering, cant wait for this crap to pass...
  3. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

  4. bella253

    Omg I love my chickens!!

    welcome and Im in love with my girls too. We are doing the finishing touches to the coop, will post pics when we are done, but Ive enjoy them so much, its amazing how they touch your heart so quickly. Lori
  5. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Oh I bet. I love them every year I say Im keeping too, then I get talked into selling them. One day lol
  6. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yes I have a 1800 Sq ft building. I love doing it. I wish I joined this forum earlier cause I was making chicken in a basket. They are great for dining rooms, kitchens, easter. It's a hen nesting in a wicker basket. Many customers were giving me there hens so it meant more to them
  7. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I have 11 pullets 5 weeks old, 12 Rhode islands 4 days old..Looking to add, loaded question lol. A additional coop would be lovely. I am a taxidermist so if any one has any taxidermy questions just pm me, glad to help out..
  8. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Browndale- Upper Wayne County here
  9. bella253

    Wood Shavings or Sand

    This was probably posted a few times, sorry, but I have to ask what everyone likes better...Sand....Wood shavings... Ive read both have pros and cons, so I am running a test of my own. I did a 50/50 split of both in my coop. So far Ive found sand is colder, but less waste and way easier to...
  10. bella253

    Shouldn't have gone near the chick bins at TSC!!

    Wow, they can't sell them here, they have tons of them.
  11. bella253

    Shouldn't have gone near the chick bins at TSC!!

    Confession time. Went to tsc last night red rangers buck a piece, 11 new editions for the pullets lol. How can I resist a sale. Hubby is gone fishing haha. Funny my trucks steering wheel automatically turns into the parking lot. Hehe
  12. bella253

    Run question regarding Raccons

    I'm a taxidermist, so I always have pelts drying, stretching, etc. I keep the uninvited critters away with human hair. You don't need much, I get some from my hair stylist and I place it in knee highs. They last about 45 days, I have found this works great for coons, yotes,possums,skunks. Good luck
  13. bella253

    Shouldn't have gone near the chick bins at TSC!!

    Hahahaha. Sarah that's funny. Wait till he goes to bass pro shop, going to tell him no wondwring eyes please.
  14. bella253

    Shouldn't have gone near the chick bins at TSC!!

    hahahaha...we had to go in tsc this morning, and my husband stood on my right side, said if I look over at the chicks Im walking home...He held their flyer in his hand and when I went to look towards him he would hold up the flyer and wondering eyes please...I need to shop when he goes...
  15. bella253

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welcome. I'm from NEPA and a newbie too. Wonderful people here. You'll love it. I do
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