Recent content by foreverdavis

  1. foreverdavis

    Too many chickens? Not laying well

    I'd say I don't have enough room either...but just wondering why those unhappy commercial farm chickens lay. How does that work? I lost a chicken today to a coyote! First time ever for a wild predator in 3 years (lost to bear dog once). I understand that it will keep coming around now. So...
  2. foreverdavis

    Too many chickens? Not laying well

    We've added to our flock each year, now on the third year. I have 57 chickens - 20 of which are new this year and about 4 months old. Since I've added the newbies, several things seem off kilter. The newbies are not as well behaved in that they peck at me and my daughters feet and...
  3. foreverdavis

    Hubby sold all my eggs hubby sells 11 dozen eggs yesterday evening (which was every egg we had) and then tells me I need to make 3 cakes for his Lion's Club cakewalk tonight...good thing the girls lay every day! Certainly doesn't get any fresher than that! I baked 4 loaves of pound cake--saving one back for...
  4. foreverdavis

    When will my rooster start acting like one?

    Last year, I lost all of my roosters. So I had all hens and one did kind of step up and became the "leader". Not sure if she lays or not--doesn't crow, but cackles alot in the lead of the group. So in March, I get 16 new chicks. One ended up being a cockerel--a beautiful Salmon Favorelle...
  5. foreverdavis

    Teenage chicken troubles

    So, which rooster should I keep? I have two dark Brahmas that are gorgeous that I call Rooster Jack and Rooster John. I really don't know the difference in them except that Jack is the boss. The other rooster is a Buff Orpington named Buster. I like him, but he is the noisiest--crows all the...
  6. foreverdavis

    Teenage chicken troubles

    We have two current problems that we need solving. 1. Flying chickens. My husband has clipped 3 inches off one wing--is that not enough? We still have chickens roosting in the trees at night and winter is coming. Plus, they lay their eggs where they please. 2. We have 3 roosters and 26...
  7. foreverdavis

    Starting laying eggs--but new problems arise!

    I have found that there is a new problem to solve EVERY week when raising chickens! So here's a few of my "problems": I have 6 Leghorns (I think--came from Tractor Supply store) and I thought I had 4 roosters and 2 hens. They had a bad habit formed of sleeping in the trees instead of the...
  8. foreverdavis

    please tell me your chickens names.

    I have trouble telling mine apart! Only one has a name--Speckles--he had speckles when he was a chick. Now, he doesn't really, but I still know him--because I think he's a rooster. I use to call one Cacciatore, but I don't know which one it is now--he/she was the prime escapee from the...
  9. foreverdavis

    Finding chicks sleeping outside

    The past two nights we have been late coming home (because of fireworks) and when we went to go shut the coop door we found all the babies outside in a heap sleeping. I'm guessing it is too dark in the coop? When I'm home, I turn on the lamp for them in the coop around dusk and they go in and...
  10. foreverdavis

    Integration success

    A few days ago I asked advice about six 9-wk old and twenty-three 5 wk olds--they are all cohabitating peacefully (well, mostly anyway). I pulled all the babies out of their watermelon box and they did get chased a bit and pecked. The six older ones spent most of the day outside in the run and...
  11. foreverdavis

    Nervous about integrating babies

    My oldest 6 chicks are about 9 weeks old and the 23 other babies are 5 weeks old. My younger ones are getting really cramped in their watermelon box and I would love to let them out of there. I have had some escape the box and I find them hidden behind their box scared to death. I tried...
  12. foreverdavis

    I think I made a mistake in breeds

    Guess I'm going to have ALOT of eggs! Angie
  13. foreverdavis

    I think I made a mistake in breeds

    Dual breed means they lay eggs which means I would feel bad about ending their life early. So...guess I can hope for 10 roosters in the bunch. And I ordered pullets, so the ratio shouldn't be high. Does anyone know how long it takes regular breeds to get to "table size"? Angie
  14. foreverdavis

    I think I made a mistake in breeds

    I studied and studied for weeks trying to decide what kind of chicks to order. I decided on 5 Buff Orpington, 5 Dk Brahma, 5 Speckled Sussex, and 10 Columbian Rock Cross. I wanted 10 meat birds that grew quickly--that's not what Columbian Rock Cross is--is it? I've noticed they are growing at...
  15. foreverdavis

    Anyone thinking of buying chicks, LOOK AT THIS

    My husband built our coop with lightning speed! I had my rubbermaids in his utility "tool" room and the irritation and smell drove him to build quickly! He did a very nice job! Now, he is feverishly building the fence/run in 90 degree weather! Angie
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