Recent content by gofeedthegirls

  1. gofeedthegirls


    I just finished putting the 3rd and final coat of seal on the floor. It will be good and dry by tomorrow morning! Heres a before and after.
  2. gofeedthegirls


    Good morning everyone!
  3. gofeedthegirls


    Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! The gf and I figured the best way to cure our hangovers was to start ripping up the carpet and work towards getting these floors sanded up and stained before hunting season this is where we have gotten so far! We have found it very enjoying to slowly...
  4. gofeedthegirls

    Minnesota! Im gonna play the devils advocate and you tell me why this article is "for the birds" just like I told the lady of FB who had to send me this link after posting a pic of my chickens...
  5. gofeedthegirls


    I also want to note. There is a good chance these eggs are fertilized aswell. However finding then there was no hen on them and the temps were anywhere from 35-65...
  6. gofeedthegirls


    So even eggs that may float can still be fed to the chickens?
  7. gofeedthegirls


    I found a nest of about 12 eggs in the barn and I am not sure how long they had been there... the oldests ones could be 4 weeks old. Im not comfortable selling this set of eggs to anyone, so IF I understand correctly it is perfectly fine to cook these eggs and feed them to the chickens?
  8. gofeedthegirls


    We have a feral cat hanging around our place. Besides the foot prints on my winshield she doesnt bother me. Im allergic to cats but every farm shpuld have a good mouser or two.
  9. gofeedthegirls


    Sorry bout the misspelled words. Bouncy tractor + small phone = my last post
  10. gofeedthegirls


    I was cleaning out a bin that had some old barley left in it. The nimber of rats in that bin was uncountable, 50+ they would run UP tge walls using the bin bolts as footing. Just thinking about it senda chills dowb my neck again. I HATE rats
  11. gofeedthegirls


    Morning everyone! Our family has recieved great news today. My sister just got engaged to her long time boyfriend! I think 7 years to this date. @Coffee 1st @scandiafowl I will try and get pics up soon. Im usually gone before sunrise and get back after dark dark to rake any decent photos...
  12. gofeedthegirls


    @Coffee 1st That is awesome!
  13. gofeedthegirls


    Sure when I get home I will try and get a picture taken. Nothing fancy just a 3x7 sheet of particle board under the roosts.
  14. gofeedthegirls


    From what I have read hawks will typically be taking off around this time of year. I think with the warmer temps they are staying around a little longer than normal. Hopefully they will be off on their way soon!
  15. gofeedthegirls


    I finally got my coop for the most part winterized. I finally finished my poop board project I had been putting off, got the top of the run tarped and the sides wrapped in stupidly over-priced clear plastic that im sure wont hold up anyways, and picked up two of them fancy rubber water bowls...
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