Recent content by jdypat

  1. jdypat

    I have made an amazing discovery

    occasionally another hen will get in the nest, but when she leaves another gets into it.. never had a problem but one time.. the nest was left alone when the hen got into the wrong nest and the eggs were cold. i figured they were dead..but they hatched.. the outside temperature was 100 at...
  2. jdypat

    I have made an amazing discovery

    I dont know what happened around here, but I know that seldom did I have a hen go broody, even tho I had no eggs from a hatchery, all local hens. But this year just about all of my hens have gone broody. I, in my cynical self, fear its a sign that the coming winter is going to be really bad...
  3. jdypat

    I have made an amazing discovery

    All of my hatching equipment is for sale........... 2 incubators and supplies.. like new condition.
  4. jdypat

    I have made an amazing discovery

    AFter years of candeling eggs, turning eggs, worrying about temperatures and humidity and then worrying about hatching, and then feeding chicks and keeping the temperature and humidity perfect and still losing many eggs, chicks and such, I made the most amazing discovery of my life. I let the...
  5. jdypat

    JESUS Blessed my Life this week

    Quote: (gently suggested) Maybe we can take death "so easily" because we know its not the end for those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. I doubt that anyone takes death "easily" but we don't need to fear it. I can tell you this, as a Hospice nurse I deal with death on a...
  6. jdypat

    JESUS Blessed my Life this week

    Im amazed that any of us can state how dear god is to us, but no one can state freely that they are not believing that stuff. the right of speech... i think its called.. I was one of you at one time.. prayed every breath.. praised this god who sent his angels to wrap their wings around...
  7. jdypat

    JESUS Blessed my Life this week

    Halleujah halleujah.. I had ten whole minutes this morning before it hit me in the gut that I buried my son nearly 5 years ago. Thanks to all the good christians i am reminded again that the good lord loves them more than me because their loved ones were spared in crashes and death issues...
  8. jdypat

    Movie quotes

    Quote: its from the movie delores claiborne.. a very very good movie with ahh ahhh kathy bates.. the woman she cleans house for in the movie said this while they were planning the murder of Delores's husband..
  9. jdypat

    Movie quotes

    Quote: Hmm.. I cant remember the name of the movie, but I know I've heard that phrase in a horor flick where the bbq'd ribs were uh, human ribs. same....fried green tomatoes......
  10. jdypat

    Movie quotes

    My favorite.. my very favorite. "sometimes being a grump is all a woman has to hold on to." can any one guess this one? jdypat
  11. jdypat


    i have 10 older hens.. and then i got 20 nearly a year ago.. chicks.. and they have not laid an egg yet.. i get 5 eggs a day most days and im feeding 30 hens.. i cant tell a lot of difference in the hens by size or how can i figure out who is laying and who aint... ? jdy
  12. jdypat

    What's the most embarrasing thing that happened to you? I'll Start!

    Quote: pardon my ignorance.. but what is a country turkey?
  13. jdypat

    giving day old chicks to a broody hen

    my broody had to have some help with her first borns.. and 1 day away from her made her forget them. she tried very hard to kill them before i got them out.. to reward her she got an ice bath two or three dips and back in the penn. she lost em all. made me mad.. and my intellect is...
  14. jdypat

    Some people.....UGH!

    Am I the only one whos wondering what that womans problem might be? "all she has to worry about" kinda got to me.. could be a friend in waiting.. angel unaware..?
  15. jdypat

    What's wrong with her eye?

    Just what seems to be the matter? I cant find a thing that looks like it needs treatment. jdy
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