Recent content by JulsAndClem2657

  1. JulsAndClem2657

    Bantam eggs over due by one day should i be worried?

    Day 25 first egg hatched in the night cute little baby peeper in there. We are so excited.
  2. JulsAndClem2657

    Bantam eggs over due by one day should i be worried?

    I did both water candling and about a week ago did light candling(Both tests showed signs of life) . My hen is sitting and incubating them. (We are not using an incubator) The first egg was due to hatch yesterday yet we have no piping no cracks in the eggs. We have been told we would hear...
  3. JulsAndClem2657

    Cock or hen

    We aren't entirely sure about 5 maybe 6 months... This sucks
  4. JulsAndClem2657

    Cock or hen

    My mom bought a bird for me recently and now that it's older we are dreading the news of what it's gender will be since our city doesn't allow roosters in city limits this is my Japanese bantam any ideas on what gender it is
  5. JulsAndClem2657

    Need help sexing 4 1/2 month old chicken

    Thank you both so much. This little one has a very strong bond with us
  6. JulsAndClem2657

    Need help sexing 4 1/2 month old chicken

    I have a Japanese bantam and I can't tell whether it's male or female (I can't have males where I live so I don't want to get rid of it
  7. JulsAndClem2657

    When is too many mealworms too many?!

    Thank god because my dad gave them a whole 6 lb bag and they are the whole thing I was sure they were gonna get sick or something from that
  8. JulsAndClem2657

    When is too many mealworms too many?!

    I have 2 chickens and I give them a few mealworms a week just maybe 3 a day. Well they learned that if they call out to my dad when he walks by and he ends up giving them large amounts of dried/baked mealworms. Im trying to make sure my birds don't get sick from eating all those mealworms. Does...
  9. JulsAndClem2657

    Help, broken toe!!

    My friends chicken had the same issue and he just made a split for his bird it helped her a lot I would recommend doing that
  10. JulsAndClem2657

    Feather issue

    No problem I ended up getting rid of the mutt since she was too loud for where I live and that's where the problems stopped
  11. JulsAndClem2657

    Ant bites from h***

    I'm having issues with ants I noticed them when both my chickens were refusing to go out of the henhouse and into the pen which is very odd for my playful hens.I called my youngest pullet over from the outside of the hen house and with in those 5 feet from me and I picked up her up immediately...
  12. JulsAndClem2657

    What is this???

    I'm sorry for your loss and if I were you I would take her to the vet to find out what it was and then show the breeder and maybe warn other people to not buy from her
  13. JulsAndClem2657

    Elderly Hen with all kinds of Problems

    does it seem as if she's suffering or do you have to take care of her like 24 seven? I have a friend and I are to school with and over the summer she had a rooster with the same issues (he needed help 24/7) and she ended up having to euthanize him in beginning of school year due to the fact...
  14. JulsAndClem2657

    sick chicken

    Is there a feed store near by or do you know anyone in 4H or FFA? They might be able to help a lot more than I can. How does she usually act and hows she acting now? I've had a hen do this before but she was fine in a few days.
  15. JulsAndClem2657

    Help my Rhode Island Reds

    I was giving her advice on her chicks there's noting wrong with the chicks at the store all I do Is make sure they are feed watered and safe and healthy
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