Recent content by lknight

  1. lknight

    My first hatch...have questions!*with pictures of course*

    I am so excited!! This is my first broody hen, and I let her set 2 eggs (wishing I had done a few more now). Today was day 20 and I went out to check and there is one cute little yellow fluff under her. How long do I leave the other egg if it hasn't hatched out tomorrow. I know that...
  2. lknight

    Ducks "left at door step" - need advice

    The door step of the chicken coop. My BF's roommate brought home 4 chickens and 2 ducks with the intention of eating them. So he RELEASED them in the yard so they could magically fatten up. The chickens are now in my chicken coop and the ducks sit along the fence right outside the coop looking...
  3. lknight

    Chicken Pattern Baldness

    So at 10 months old they are not too young to be molting? I read several post where peoples chickens were just having their 1st at 18 months... SO many new things to learn!
  4. lknight

    Chicken Pattern Baldness

    Some of my girls are loosing feathers! Ack! They are only 10 months old, so they shouldn't be molting yet should they? It isn't every bird, some are loosing feathers in their saddle area, and I know that this can have to do with a rough rooster, but a few others have some balding on their neck...
  5. lknight

    I HATE yellow jackets

    I would have to agree with the disliking of stinging insects! We upset a good sized nest of bald faced hornets a few weeks about aggressive! BF got one right between the eyes, and I ended up with a STAPH infection! BE CAREFUL!! Go after them in the dark. If it is an above ground...
  6. lknight


  7. lknight


    What a good dog! It amazes me sometimes how devoted they are to their people! We used to live in Nevada, and my old dog did the same sort of thing, and kept my then 5 year old brother and his friend away from a HUGE rattlesnake! I have plenty of respect for them and the role they play in...
  8. lknight

    I was just assaulted

    It would be a REALLY good idea to find someone for your child to talk to! Kids that age get really confused/upset by things like that, and it can cause some big time problems... from emotional to behavioral! They just don't understand, and it can be really hard for them to express and process...
  9. lknight

    Do you have body ink? Please share tattoo pictures here!

    I have 3 I am willing to share! There is no specific reasn for this one, I just liked it! This one is two taurus symbols a Sagittarius in between. It represents my daughter myself and her dad. This one is a picture that my daughter doodled on a coaster when she was 3. She is 7 now and still...
  10. lknight

    Garden pictures (lots of pictures)

    Oh man! I have a little garden envy too! I we have been so cold here in W. WA! The plants in my garden are still alive, but I swear they haven't grown an inch in 3 weeks they have been outside! Bring on the sun!
  11. lknight

    Are sebright chicks really hard to raise?

    I have one too, in with the standard size chicks. She is 6 weeks now and I haven't had any problems either.
  12. lknight

    what predator ( I suspect raccoon)

    Marshmellows!!! That is what I used to catch one at my house.
  13. lknight

    Chick Contest! **ENDS JULY 12th!!**

    this is one of my little BO's (supposed to be a pullet, can't you tell). IT (no name yet) now seems to be a LAP CHICKEN, and cries anytime I try to take him off my lap and put him back in the brooder! He is about 5 weeks old.
  14. lknight

    arrgh, 5 roos out of 6 straight-run chicks (vent)

    Don't you LOVE the way that works! I got 4 straight run from my neighbor, and 3 are roos! Drat!
  15. lknight

    Looking for Pullets or hens in W. WA

    I am interested in finding a few younger hens, or pullets in my area. I have chicks, but want to get going on a few birds closer to egg laying age. I live near Olympia. I am not too picky! Thanks!
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