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  1. missred871

    Swap Info

    ...go out this Friday) 10/31/11- Dmccann- 5 feed sacks and soaps WHO OWES ME: 9/14/11 sideswap-BHep- 6 GLP eggs 9/26/11 ShellyGA - Buff Polish Eggs **update**- 12-4-11 : to those whom I owe, I am so sorry for the excessive delay. Those of you who have dealt with me before know, I am usually...
  2. missred871

    Swap Stuff 2

    -About 5 "poly" feed bags for crafting and sewing: ( There are pink and blue Layena bags, FRM scratch and Wild Gamebird poly sacks)will be random from some of the following: swine feed,layer pellets and mash, wild bird seed, rabbit feed, catfish feed, wild gamebird food, grower, and possibly a...
  3. missred871

    November BEAD Swap!

    Shy those are beautiful. I have been extremely overwhelmed with life lately, (thanks to stoopid for such wonderful wording) and havent been on BYC since October. I havent been on my computer since then either. I have kept up with my email by my droid that is it. I am so sorry to have dumped on...
  4. missred871

    Ok really! WHO IS SICK OF IT?! ~UPDATED!~

    Well I have a BUNCH of chickens... do I get an egg? Nope. I actually needed a few today, I refuse to buy from the store, I havent bought an egg from a store in 4 stinkin years... my lovely 5 year old took the duck eggs out of the duck pen today and fed them to the hog... oops. None of my EEs are...
  5. missred871

    Farmers Market Bath Salts and Soaps *Handmade*

    Our Farmers Market Collection is available now in our etsy shop, Up for purchase here is one jar of Cucumber Melon Bath Salt. Also available for purchase: Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie Sugar Scrub Our fall collection is also available in the store right now, you can find...
  6. missred871

    Halloween Handmade Soaps!

    We have a halloween collection out in the etsy shop, You can purchase these here with an applied BYC discount, this auction is only for one bar of your choice, we do have free shipping on the website, so if you want to purchase multiple bars of this line PM me and I will...
  7. missred871

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    you know it dawned on me today, I never did get that shakeweight... I claimed it back in july I believe.... I was looking forward to that... oh well. Cant win em all. On another note, I spent the majority of my day off building a double pen for the calls, that was time consuming and it still...
  8. missred871

    What Ya Got Swap - Please read post #1 on first page for rules

    Mine! Mine on soap mold lot 3 (oranges and bananas one, I think it was 3... LMAO. correct that if it is wrong.... ) my stuff on my swap page.
  9. missred871

    Jewelry Made from Chicken Feathers!

    hiya, saw your store, I was wpndering, what do you use to dye your feathers?
  10. missred871

    November BEAD Swap!

    Shy I got your email. You are IN! only 11 more days to sign up ladies!
  11. missred871

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Quote: dang. I am sorry to hear about that. I will send you more in the spring. I believe it or not, have a BO setting for the first time... little snooker is only on two eggs LMAO. I will get you some EEs and stuff in the spring once I get Peggys to her Reese, I got my molds! They are...
  12. missred871

    September Monthly Swap . . . . Sign-up NOW - Open til Monday.

    shelly did anything I sent you hatch?
  13. missred871

    What Ya Got Swap - Please read post #1 on first page for rules

    added some more stuff to the page guys, and added pictures to a few of the things that were already there.
  14. missred871

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Okay guys, I made an addition to the swap page shhhhh there is soap there....
  15. missred871

    What Ya Got Swap - Please read post #1 on first page for rules

    Mine on soap molds lot 3, NO EGGS! I cant ship any eggs, the EEs have stopped laying and I still owe Peggy eggs from them. The Bantams are mostly gone, I sold them, and the BOs arent laying consistently. So no eggs right now.
  16. missred871

    November BEAD Swap!

    Quote: yeah dont worry about the deadline right now, everyone signed up for this swap in the last months thread, so no one has been discussing here lol. I need to change the date on that dont worry about it.
  17. missred871

    September Monthly Swap . . . . Sign-up NOW - Open til Monday.

    Well I suppose that it COULD be white LOL. I was figuring the dusting of different color could mean it was mixed... I was hoping anyway LOL But I dont mind what color it is as long as it makes it. Seems to be doing okay so far, I lost another of Nats lav splits... so only one left. Praying he...
  18. missred871

    September--BEAD SWAP--Calling all JEWELRY MAKERS!

    ...winters malay but I did it anyway and it went from 85-45 in one day.... I have already lost 3 biddies just to the weather change and two were pecked to death by a momma hen.... stupid KJNMNBNF^%$^IO*^$%$VJHT^%%^ eh, you get the point there. Needless to say that hen wont get another chance at it!
  19. missred871

    How to paint achickens in 10 easy steps!!!!!!!

    whew, that is one good lookin chicken! The prelim. step is pretty difficult for any subject most especially when you are new, but take it from someone who has been painting birds for less than a year, and got a blue and 3rd place ribbon at the Ga National fair this year for painting exactly...
  20. missred871

    September--BEAD SWAP--Calling all JEWELRY MAKERS!

    Quote: haha, how many did you buy?!
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