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  1. samuelsonfarm

    southern Michigan/northern ohio

    Please use the Buy Sell Trade section for all poultry sales, re-homing, etc. Thank you.
  2. samuelsonfarm

    Hatchery surprise

    They said it wasn't a mistake at all, but that they always add male chicks for warmth. I feel like that is suck a sad degradation of value of life! The male chicks are just packing material basically. Here's e kicker: they are resending the order because 3 of the ducklings died....So now I'll...
  3. samuelsonfarm

    Lone Duckling- Southeast Michigan

    Thank you all for our replies! Those baby scovies are adorable! I ended up ordering 5 ducklings from ideal hatchery. I was shocked to find 10 male chicks in th box and 2 dead ducklings in the box :( What on earth am I going to do with 10 roosters? I feel likk every turn there's a new...
  4. samuelsonfarm

    Hatchery surprise

    Hi all, I ordered 5 ducklings from Ideal hatchery last week. I was surprised to fond 10 male chicks the box! I thought might toss in a male duck or two, but 10'roosters??? What on earth am I going to do with 10 roosters? Anyone in southern Michigan/northern Ohio want them? They're yours for free!
  5. samuelsonfarm

    Lone Duckling- Southeast Michigan

    Well, our late hatch was a miserable failure. Only 2 of 17 hatched, and one was llame and died about 24hrs after hatching. Now I've got one adorable lone duck. I'm praying that on a whim someone nearby has some newly hatched ducklings and would be willing to sell even just one of them! I am so...
  6. samuelsonfarm

    Dog attack. Twice. I am devastated.

    Something very sad happened today. My precious 3 year old daughter was picking green beans in the garden and she thought she saw something black in the tall grasses behind the garden area. She came screaming and running to me with such terror in her eyes like I've never seen before crying, "the...
  7. samuelsonfarm

    Dog attack. Twice. I am devastated.

    We live in Michigan. The breeds we lost were: 1 black runner, 1 Cayuga/jumbo Pekin mix that we hatched from our own flock, and 2 khaki Campbell's.
  8. samuelsonfarm

    Dog attack. Twice. I am devastated.

    Update: our precious neighbors who have kept chickens in the past euthanized our paralyzed girl Vickie who my daughters affectionately named Dandelion.I'm forever grateful for them. We have processed one of our drakes before for eating, and it was really hard for me. I don't think I'll ever do...
  9. samuelsonfarm

    Dog attack. Twice. I am devastated.

    ...would never happen again. Now we come to Wednesday. My remaining ducks are free ranging in the back 5 acres. Lo and behold here come those same **** dogs in my yard. I immediately called the police and they were captured....only after they killed 3 more of my babies and paralyzed two...
  10. samuelsonfarm

    Introducing New Ducks to the Flock

    Tomorrow I will be picking up 5 Khaki Females (about 3mo old) to add to my flock. Right now we have 4 females and 4 drakes, mixed breeds, abotu 1yr old. What is the best way to introduce these new girls to the flock? Should I make them a separate pen for them to hang out during the day? I've...
  11. samuelsonfarm

    Humane Culling

    Does the duck flail around a lot afterwards? I thought about using this method, but I wasn't sure if it would flap around a bunch afterwards.
  12. samuelsonfarm

    Humane Culling

    Our flock of 5 hens and 5 drakes need to shrink by at least 3 drakes. I've raised these ducks from babies, and this will be very difficult for me, but we are raising these ducks for eggs, and the drakes are tormenting the females day and night. I don't want to loose the girls, so the boys must...
  13. samuelsonfarm

    What to look for when buying adult ducks?

    Hello Fellow Duck Fanatics- I am trying to find some female adult ducks to add to our flock (5 female, 5 drakes). I just saw someone post some ducks on craigslist, but when I asked what gender they were, he said he didn't know how to tell the difference!!! I don't know how you keep ducks and...
  14. samuelsonfarm

    No eggs for so long!

    We have drakes, I'm wondering if we have too many drakes. They aren't mating right now, but who knows. I gave them some ground egg shells yesterday until I can get to the feedstore.
  15. samuelsonfarm

    No eggs for so long!

    Any tips on how to stimulate egg production in my flock? We haven't had a single egg in 2 months. We have 5 females in egg producing age. The have a light in their shed at night, plenty of food and water and exercise. I know it's been a cold winter, but we would love to start seeing eggs again!
  16. samuelsonfarm


    Bad news. We lost raspberry. All of a sudden she was laying flat on her back in the box. We got her up, warmed her up. She was just weak and flailing all over. My 6 year old daughter, who stayed up all night to watch this baby hatch, has fed and cared for her from day one, held her in her arms...
  17. samuelsonfarm


    Raspberry made it through the night, in fact, she mustered up enough energy to hop out of her small box in my bedroom and poop all over the floor (diarrhea). She is still weak, barely quacking, but eating and drinking well. She has low muscle tone, and seems off balance. She is very light, but...
  18. samuelsonfarm


    Hi All, We went away for an overnight stay, and when we came home this evening (about 30hrs we were actually gone) one of our 3mo old indoor ducks (very small fawn and white runner) was acting very limp and seemed to have no energy. I immediately gave her a warm bath and food, and she gobbled...
  19. samuelsonfarm

    EMERGENCY- Bubbles/blisters on ducklings feet--HELP

    I've learned so much this year with all of the different issues we've encountered with these duckies! I am so pleaswd that they are recovering so well from it all. We are also starting to put them into the laundry room so they are getting acclimated to slightly cooler temps than the house. It's...
  20. samuelsonfarm

    Bleeding Pinfeather on Pekin Duck

    The bleeding has stopped, but if it gets wet, it bleeds again. So I'm not sure what to do in this situation. @ Miss Lydia-Regarding the babies, I did post an update 3 days ago, their status is the same as when I posted then. They are doing well. Actually, I'd like you advice on their updated...
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