We are getting an extension to our coop.We bought the Big Green Walk in one.I can't have them loose for we have houses around us that have a couple of dogs. So that's why we are getting a roaming cage.We can move it around.
I just put my chicks out 3 days ago.They are already walking up to their coop box. I was afraid at first but I got over it. When I go out there in the morning they greet me. I love having them outside with me when I tend my garden.
Woke up to my Leghorn Sarah with a big sore on her behind.My RIR's and Partridges were attacking her. I took her out cleaned her up and put her in her own brooder. She is 3 weeks old but looks like she is 10. Very hefty. I read that you can use Vicks on the wound.I haven't tried it yet. I do...
I live in central California .The weather is fair. Right now with the rain it has that damp feeling. I just turned the light off. Planning on putting them out this coming weekend. And THANK YOU for the advice.
I have 6 chicks 2 RR ..2 cartridge ..1 Leighton..1 brown. They are 3 and 4 weeks old. When can I Take the heater light off of them. We are almost done with the coop. If the rain stops. Just need to do a little odds and ends. They are getting big.
It's an additive to water so they don't get certain bacteria. Also it gives them a dose not to prevent but he'll out with worms and such. I talked to Dave this morning at ag they make the stuff for BYC.
I have 3 week old chicks and 2 week old chicks in same broader. I can't tell them apart and I'm suppose to start the Zyfend A today. Will it be safe for the 2 week olds?