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  • Users: Mk_lanch
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  1. Mk_lanch

    baby chicks dying, blood in beak/throat but no injuries. whats killing them?

    I have a broody hen that hatched out 12 chicks. every morning i go in their coop there is always one chick dead. we are now down to 7 chicks left. this hen is all by herself with her chicks, she is a great mum and doesnt attack them. all chicks have been found dead in the morning, however are...
  2. Mk_lanch

    leave broody hen sitting on eggs with rooster

    I have a lemon cuckoo Orpington who is broody and sat on around 12 eggs. she is in her own coop with a pekin bantam rooster. they get on well. my question is, should i let her hatch the chicks and keep him in with her or should i remove him? it would mean he would be on his own. i normally...
  3. Mk_lanch

    merging together 2 breeding pens with

    I have 2 serama breeding pens. 1 pen consists of 5 hens and 1 rooster and the other one has 8 hens and 2 roosters. both pens have been next to each other for 4 months so they have already got used to each other and no longer fight between the fence. i would like to merge the 2 pens into one...
  4. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    hi, i have a 3 day old vorwerk chick that cannot walk/stand. her legs are shaking alot too. a little bit of backstory, i was hatching her (and her sibllings) out under a broody. all was going well until day 15/16 when i was checking on my broody and notice one egg had slipped out and was...
  5. Mk_lanch

    chicken run ideas please, what materials etc!!

    Hi, i've not long brought my smallholding property and have a large 2 acre field. i would like to build a number of runs next to each other so i can keep my breeding pens organised. i don't want these runs/pens to be too small. there would be a maximum of 5 hens to 1 rooster in each cage...
  6. Mk_lanch

    Chicken ill, poop looks weird *pictures*

    I have a legbar x poland hen who is around 3 years old. Today she has been hunched at the back of the coop and not her normal self. I have brought her inside and her poop doesn't look right. Yesterday my daughter dropped her when helping to put them in at night as she tripped over one of my...
  7. Mk_lanch

    Sick pullet, poop pictures..any idea whats wrong?

    This is my 6 month old pullet. She is a poland x legbar Today I went to feed her and found her just standing there very lethargic and a little unbalanced. I noticed her poop was creamy and a light yellow colour. I have brought her into the house and have her set up in my shower room. Any ideas...
  8. Mk_lanch

    2 chicks left, 1 left, can i change from medicated chick crumb?

    i had a broody hatch out 3 chicks. 2 have died from what i think is brooder pneumonia. i have ordered some new bedding and this arrived tomorrow. but i also want to change the feed. i'm currently using medicated feed and all other medicated feed for chicks is out of stock. can i buy non...
  9. Mk_lanch

    2nd chick just died, some advice needed please, whats wrong with them?

    my second beautiful little chick has died today, all similar symptoms to the first chick that died. this chick was only born on the 8th august making her 6 days old. this chick was a pekin bantam x polish she was born very active and eating and acting normal. around 2 days ago she slowed down...
  10. Mk_lanch

    clear mucus poop with streaks of blood. chick 4/5 days old!! any ideas?

    hi, i just had a chick die this morning that was completely healthy when it hatched. suddenly it looked like it was gasping for breath, unsteady on her feet and would walk on her hocks. she deteriorated over nigh and unfortunately passed this morning. i have 2 more chicks in with a broody, she...
  11. Mk_lanch

    ill chick or just the medicated chick feed? please help....*SAD UPDATE*

    hi, this year has got to be my worst year of chicken keeping yet! this year i have had an outbreak of coccidiosis and lost a 10 week old chick to it a week ago. im in the uk and currently all the medication to treat coccidiosis is unavailable. ive managed to order some easicox which contains...
  12. Mk_lanch

    Poland chicks pullet or roosters??? ***pics**

    These are my 3 Poland chicks they are 12 weeks old. I think they are all roos (which means I have a total of 6 roos and 2 pullets!) I'm not 100% sure. Can you have a look a take a guess
  13. Mk_lanch

    Is this a seizure? 5 week old chick? **video**

    Hi. This is almost week 3 of my chick not being well. She can't stand but can move her legs. She has not broke anything. About 2 days ago she starts having what I believe to be seizure. Everytime I touch her or someone makes a sound. Can someone give me some advice on what to do. This is...
  14. Mk_lanch

    Sick chick please help... **video**

    This is my just turned 5 week old bantam x poland. She was fine until about a week ago. She was with a broody hen and I found her with one leg spread out behind and the other foot curled in. She cannot walk. When she tried to she falls. There is no movement in her toes. Other than this she is...
  15. Mk_lanch

    What's wrong with my chick (**pictures**)

    Hi, This is my almost 5 week old pekin x poland chick. She has been with a broody and was Completly fine and healthy till around 3 days ago. I went to the coop to check on them and she was unable to walk. Her right leg was spread out behind her. I brought her in my house and slinted that leg...
  16. Mk_lanch

    4 week old chick break at i splint it straight?

    i believe my chick have broken her elbow/ i splint it straight or bent?
  17. Mk_lanch

    4 week old chick suddenly can't stand her legs are shaking and curled!

    i have 2 chicks that hatched under one of my broody hens. they are both 4 weeks old (Almost 5 weeks) this particular one is a poland x pekin bantam, she was completely fine with no problems 2 days i went to refill the water and i notice this chick almost in the splits position unable...
  18. Mk_lanch

    day 23 help! egg wriggling but not piped!

    hi, my broody was sitting on eggs but once 2 hatched left the rest. she was off the eggs for about 1 day. so when i found them they were stone cold. i immediately put them under my other broody hen (who is a great mum). unfortunately my leg bar that piped died, however my cochin x polish...
  19. Mk_lanch

    HELP!! chick hatched with burst yolk and intestines hanging out

    i have a legbar x poland was the last to hatch on day 21 (today) but when it hatched yolk went everywhere and its currently dragging whats left of the yolk sac and what looks like some of its intestines. the chick is very active and doesn't keep still. i don't know what to do. the...
  20. Mk_lanch

    help sexing my cream legbar! boys or girls???

    hi, so every year i buy some eggs online and incubate them. this year i chose to put 6 polands under my broody and 6 legbars in the incubator! the leg bars finished hatching out in the early hours of the morning. out of the 6 eggs we had 4 hatch ( 1 wasnt fertile and the other died on around...
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