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  • Users: farmgirl7
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  1. farmgirl7

    Is there a spray deterrent for pecked chickens?

    One of my chickens is losing feathers from being pecked on. She really needs a break to grow those feathers back before winter. Is there anything I can use (spray, etc) on her to discourage the other hens from pecking her? She appears to be at the bottom of the pecking order, but she is my...
  2. farmgirl7

    Losing feathers around tail feathers

    My silver lace wing has lost 2-3 in of feathers from where her tail feathers start all the way around. I first thought she was startiing to molt, but that was back in the first of the summer. It's September, and I think it must be something else. I need to catch her and treat her before...
  3. farmgirl7

    Adult hen with pasty butt

    I have an adult hen with pasty butt, I think.... the white pasty part is missing and looks like diarrhea. She is acting normal. I know I've read about this is the past, but haven't been able to find any info on what to do with her. Will it cure itself or will it spread to the rest of the flock?
  4. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    I noticed she was dragging her tail and looked lethargic (of course, they are all lethargic because of the heat here in S. Oklahoma). So we chased her down and I took a look. Her vent was clear, but just in front of the vent it appears irritated and a few scabs. There was a lot of poop in her...
  5. farmgirl7


    Has anyone used it? I'm looking for a general wormer that I won't have to worry about tossing the eggs for two weeks. I only have six chickens, but they all look alike, so if I worm individually I won't know who I have wormed and who I haven't. And this is the only one I have found that...
  6. farmgirl7

    Not sure why chicken is behaving strangely.

    I have brown leghorns and one of them has been acting strangely, like she didn't feel good. She will just stand in one spot by herself like a statue and not move, even though all the rest are busy being chickens. My husband went out to collect eggs late this afternoon and came back to tell me...
  7. farmgirl7

    Are My Chickens Molting?

    There are no bare necks or other bare spots, just feathers in the coop and run. I can't even tell who is losing the feathers. Is there a pattern most of them follow? The feathers are all different colors and sizes. Some look like butt feathers and others like tail or wing feathers. If is is...
  8. farmgirl7

    Beautiful autumn in southern Oklahoma! (pic heavy)

    I love where I live and autumn is my favorite time of year. We have two farms that equal 180 acres and raise hay and cattle. After I retired from a hospital lab, I thought I was going to finally have time to do more quilting (which I love), but in late April we purchased 6 little brown leg...
  9. farmgirl7

    Small eggs

    I've got 2 hens laying and have gotten 13 eggs thus far. My chickens are brown leghorns. All the eggs have been perfect, but small. Should the eggs get larger, or does this breed just lay small eggs? Or does egg-size vary from chicken to chicken? I know some leghorns lay larger eggs (they...
  10. farmgirl7

    Chicken garden

    My hubby was planting winter wheat for his cattle last week and saved me some seed. We put together a 3 ft X 8 ft frame and put hardware cloth on the top. He took his garden tiller into the run and tilled the area on the south side of the run and we planted the wheat. When he started the...
  11. farmgirl7

    What is "scratch" used for?

    I noticed Tractor Supply had a sale on Scratch. Is scratch a treat, a supplement or what? Would my chickens like it? They are 22 weeks and beginning to lay (2 eggs so far, LOL!).
  12. farmgirl7

    Bella squatted twice today!!

    My six ladies are 21 weeks old and I have been a bit impatient about eggs! I picked up a dozen and a half at the store yesterday. Today I went out in the run and sat in my lawn chair to visit and take a few pictures. About half-way through the visit, one of the gals ran up behind Bella and...
  13. farmgirl7


    Is it OK to feed them raw okra ends since the seeds are so sticky? Will it get stuck on their bills, etc? Probably need a southerner to answer this question. Thanks.
  14. farmgirl7

    When should I re-open the nesting boxes?

    When my babies were 5 weeks old, we moved them from the brooder to the coop. The coop is small and we are now putting together a much larger coop. The babies all (6 of them!) decided to sleep in the nesting boxes. I had to block the boxes off and put in a higher roost. Now they are starting...
  15. farmgirl7

    pop door for coop

    I'm trying to decide how to build a door for the chickens in my new coop. I'm not ready to invest in an automatic door, so how is the best way to build it? I would prefer one that goes up and down in a tract rather than a "draw bridge" type. Is there some thing easy to make the sides slide...
  16. farmgirl7

    Coop from old shed?

    Our ladies are already getting crowded in the coop and run we bought and we need a much bigger home for them. Hubby is not very handy, unfortunately, so we needed something to kick-start the project. My in-law's old house had a shed that my father-in-law kept tools and the lawnmower in. DH...
  17. farmgirl7

    Chicks sleeping in nesting box! They sure look funny! Will they outgrow this on their own, or should I block off the nesting areas until they get laying age? They CAN'T be cold. They were at about 70* in the house with no heating lamp, and it's10:00 PM now and it is 79*. It has been in the high 90's during the day.
  18. farmgirl7

    At what height should a nipple be for leghorns?

    I'm setting up a nipple water system that will pass through a hole in side of the coop so I have water both in the coop and in the run. I have five week old brown leghorns that haven't reached full height yet and would like to put the nipples at a height that I won't have to move them as they...
  19. farmgirl7

    Need to move 5 week old Brown leghorns from laundry room to coop.

    Their 2nd brooder is too small (6 chicks) and the coop is ready, but the laundry room is about 70 degrees and it is getting into the 90's during the day and mid to high 60's at night. They are fine without the heat lamp, but will they be OK in the 90's? I've had them in the run a couple of...
  20. farmgirl7

    New brooder

    My babies have really grown! I had all six in a 35 gallon tub and it got too small. The chicks were knocking over the water and feed containers, so we wired them up, but they still seemed crowded. Yesterday I came home with a large box that a chair had been delivered in. I lined it with an...
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