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  1. Bug n Flock

    Rooster Reserve Corps

    Those young roos were not attacking predators and getting defeated. They were just gobbled up like chicken nuggets.
  2. Bug n Flock

    Rooster Reserve Corps

    I had game breeds in my latest batch of birds. Note I say had. I still have plenty of barred rocks, a couple asian blacks, and 2 big red mixed breeds. My young game cockrels fell to the predators.
  3. Bug n Flock

    Rooster Reserve Corps

    Well, not all roos with fight for you. Some are right... jerks and would rather attack you. Plus I have gound a delay in hatch to protection status. In my experience it doesn't matter HOW many roos you have, predators are still an issue. Especially if none are mature roos. We had a mature roo...
  4. Bug n Flock

    wait, is our "boy" a girl?

    And what breed? We like this one a lot. Thinking some sort of game breed maybe? We thought boy, but now I'm thinking maybe girl?
  5. Bug n Flock

    important duck eggs: broody chicken or incubator?

    We have/had 2 barnyard pet ducks. Nibbler who was a 2nd generation pet of mine that I helped hatch and raised indoors for months, and her unfriendly mate who wasn't quite right Waddles. About a week ago Waddles disappeared. Last night we couldn't find Nibbler and she still hasn't showed back up...
  6. Bug n Flock

    Are chickens.... racist?

    Survival mechanism I'd think. 1 white bird in a sea of brown means the white bird may as well be named "Bait".
  7. Bug n Flock

    broody duck sitting on duck and turkey eggs

    Well then. Nibbs seems to be losing interest, but now the turkey hen is sitting on the nest. This.... is getting more and more interesting.
  8. Bug n Flock

    Do baby chicks feel pain when fed alive to predators?

    ...a snake. Normally she eats frozen thawed(and a tegu or monitor lizard does NOT need to eat live!! They are piggy little scavengers! This vid was *just* for views(I didn't watch it)), but every now and again we give her a live chick. This is always and only done with chicks who are done for...
  9. Bug n Flock

    broody duck sitting on duck and turkey eggs

    Still sitting on the nest. Her mate Waddles is keeping watch. When she gets up to stretch, eat, and drink we are having issues with (I think) the other birds raiding her nest. I think they have eaten 2-3 eggs at this point. Anything we can do, short of relocating her to a cage? Our birds free...
  10. Bug n Flock

    broody duck sitting on duck and turkey eggs

    Nibbler made herself a nest, and one of our turkey hens noticed.... now Nibbs is sitting on both duck and heritage bronze turkey eggs. Very curious how this will turn out...
  11. Bug n Flock

    first baby guineas

    We ordered 6 guinea keets from cackle waaaayyy back in December. Our order finally arrived yesterday!! They sent us 7 keets instead of 6. ^^ We have them in a brooder along with either a blue slate or royal palm poult they also sent. Feeding 28% gamebird starter. Is this appropriate for...
  12. Bug n Flock

    FIRST GEESE! I love them already!!!!

    Oh! For the food, I never actually looked up what chick feed they should be on. I assume low protein non medicated just like ducks. Is this correct?
  13. Bug n Flock

    FIRST GEESE! I love them already!!!!

    I've also been cuddling them tons. :3 I love these fuzzy little monsters so much already!!
  14. Bug n Flock

    guinea with (I think) bad bumble foot

    That's good news. We have only had him a couple days but like the little guy and really want to save him. Cleaned the feet up good, we are doing prep for a storm about to roll in, with take new pics when we can. Putting him in a dog crate on puppy pads and bringing him in the house to keep clean...
  15. Bug n Flock

    guinea with (I think) bad bumble foot

    But as far as previous conditions, IDK. He was given to us 2 days ago by someone who had them for a little while and tried to treat him. They were also given to that person in this condition, so not a new injury by any stretch, poor guy. Sorry for all the posts, we only have phone internet and...
  16. Bug n Flock

    guinea with (I think) bad bumble foot

    Soaking him now. It has been very rainy this past year, and last winter got super duper cold for a few snaps... in the negatives. Frostbite wouldn't surprise me. Aunt also said might be frostbite. Will take better pics when feet clean. We were thinking wrap feet in gauze soaked in water and...
  17. Bug n Flock

    Young cockerel in city without flock

    Yeah. I have heard bad things about the collars. If they try to swallow food that is too big while wearing one I have heard about choking. But I do not have personal experience with the collars, only what I have read.
  18. Bug n Flock

    how to care for a wild duckling

    Omg it's precious! <3 good luck, sorry I don't have anything to add but want to follow how this turns out. :)
  19. Bug n Flock

    guinea with (I think) bad bumble foot

    :( I sure hope we can help him.
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