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  1. chickenfu

    Solo hen needs company SF Bay area

    One of my two five year old bantams died. I haven't quite decided to start over but I haven't quite decided to give up the remaining one either. I know I can't keep her alone though so I'm looking to see if anyone has an older gal that needs a home. I'm in Mountain View.
  2. chickenfu

    What is this little bantam?

    Gracias! Looking at pictures I think Silkied Serama too. This little girl followed us all around a local farm when we visited ad I thought she was so cute.
  3. chickenfu

    What is this little bantam?

    Frizzle bantam cochin that's just not super frizzly?
  4. chickenfu

    Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

    Grocery store egg hatchers in SF Bay area I found these eggs at Costco in Mountain View I'm not gonna try to hatch them but someone should! They are kinda spendy being pastured organic. I think they were $7 a dozen.
  5. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Just an update on my downsizing: I wasn't able to get any takers getting rid of the last 4 bantam chicks together so I am keeping the 2 girls. The boys went to Humane Society of Silicon Valley. I had my DH take them there because they had reasonable prices for small animal euthanasia and I...
  6. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    If you are positive the run is secure you can leave it open to make things easier on your sitter but if you aren't 100% sure it is secure I wouldn't do it.
  7. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    They can be really tenacious when they get broody. If you search here there are plenty of threads on breaking a broody but I always just gave mine some eggs to hatch. I figured it was nicer and it's fun to have the babies for a little while. If you want to do it on the cheap you can buy...
  8. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Thanks. I'm having major chicken remorse since giving most of them away :( I might keep the two little girls. The boys can stay until they start crowing then they will have to be eliminated one way or another.
  9. chickenfu

    Which plants WON'T a chicken eat???

    I have found that mine will leave anything that has a strong fragrance like Sage, Lavender, Rosemary. Everything else seems to be fair game.
  10. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Super hoping somebody with space will take these babies off my hands before the roos start crowing. I know some of y'all want some cute little banties!
  11. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Adult chickens are taken along with 4 of the banty chicks. I have a male/female pair of both White Ameraucana bantam and Mille Fleur D'Uccle bantam left. Great for anyone interested in breeding these! I have them on Craigslist for $25. If a BYCer buys them I will throw in all my remaining...
  12. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    It is 4' x 3' plus the nest box area on the side. Plenty of space for 4 hens but mighty crowded with the banties in there too. I have it on a raised base just for storage. Including the base I think it's just over 6ft high. Run is not attached obviously and I will probably repurpose the run...
  13. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Bay Area peeps: I have decided to get out of the chicken business. I have been feeling very depressed and overwhelmed for a while now. Feeling like I am doing many things but none of them well so the logical conclusion is that something has to go. While the chickens are by no means my most...
  14. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    ...though no specific portion of it and made veiled threats of "involving law enforcement". Fortunately, my husband answered the door, not me :) I'm ******! Mtn View doesn't have a noise ordinance. They do have a nuisance ordinance covering animals which I would be violating if the chickens...
  15. chickenfu

    SF Bay area -Three Cream Legbar Cockerels hatched 7/10/13

    I can't have roo's in Mountain View. Want a CL cockerel for breeding? Local only please.
  16. chickenfu

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    Just an update on my eggs: 4/4 CL and 5/8 SS hatched. Not bad! Chicks are cute as buttons, too bad 3 of the CL's are cockerels :P
  17. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    It's just dumb luck, I had 4 cream legbar eggs and they all hatched. I am hoping there are a few people who might be interested in a CL roo for breeding purposes.
  18. chickenfu

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Okay Bay Area BYCers, I am hatching out some Speckled Sussex and Cream Legbars (from PapaBrooders eggs). They are still in the works under my broody but all of the legbars have hatched and 3 of 4 are cockerels! Any interest? I'll let the cockerels go gratis, $20 for the pullet. I will...
  19. chickenfu

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    Candled 6 of my 12 eggs today. 5 were definitely kicking around, one I was not sure, might be a quitter or might just be slow but that's so far so good! I am pretty sure I am gonna beat the 50% average over here.
  20. chickenfu

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    Got my eggs from Jeff today. He charged for 8 and sent me 12. Extremely well packaged. No cracks, and the air cells I could see (on the 4 CL eggs) were intact. My broody looks like she has finally gotten what she has been waiting for ;) Very excited over here. I'll candle at day 5 and update!
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