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  • Users: Duckstruck
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  1. Duckstruck


    ...females 2 Rouens, female and drake 1 Pekin female Laying strong. If wanted, specific ages can be disclosed. RABBITS 2 Grey Mini Rex Bucks *Not Neutered, but would make great studs! If wanted, specific ages can be disclosed. ISO Depending on animals other trader picked, I'd be willing to...
  2. Duckstruck

    Swan Advice?

    Hello! This will have to start with some context... Our neighborhood hosts two large ponds, one with property owned by my family. About twenty years ago, the neighbor who owned the other pond bought and hand-raised a breeding pair of pinioned trumpeter cygnets. As adult swans, they stayed at the...
  3. Duckstruck

    My Hatch Date Dilemma (First Time Hatching)

    I got 24 hatching eggs from a friend of ours on July 16. All they told me is that they were not incubated for a couple days before she sent them here by car. None came broken, they all looked pretty nice. Since I don't have an incubator, I sat them under my broody hen. Now, only 17 eggs remain...
  4. Duckstruck

    Coop+Run Capacity

    I have a run that is about 1,370 square feet and a coop that is 99 square feet. How many chickens could this comfortably fit? I don't want to overcrowd anything. Currently I have 2 rabbits, 6 ducks, and 11 standard size hens. Tomorrow, I'll be getting a silkie bantam. Could this pen setup fit...
  5. Duckstruck

    Sudden Red Bump on Rabbit Leg (I'm New to Rabbits!)

    Hello! I have a 2 year old male Mini Rex rabbit who lives in a large run outdoors with his brother and some poultry. Both of them are hardly tame, but as he was walking I noticed a red bump on top of his fur on the underside of his hind leg. I eventually got him and tried to hold him still, and...
  6. Duckstruck

    Are Drakes Aggressive?

    Hello! I adopted a trio of 7-week-old ducklings a few weeks back from an acquaintance's grandson after the family didn't want them/lost interest in them (impulse buy for Easter.) All I know is two of them are Cayuga and one is a Pekin. I've had suspicions about one of the cayuga ducks being a...
  7. Duckstruck

    Broody Hen with Featherless Stomach

    Hello! I've noticed one of my Jersey Giants has become broody, and spends a lot of her time in the nesting boxes. I didn't notice this yesterday, and I did collect eggs from underneath her before, but when I did today she didn't feel right. I pulled her out and flipped her on her back to reveal...
  8. Duckstruck

    How to fix chicken for Necropsy?

    Hello. I had a easter egger die suddenly yesterday with no clear indications of symptoms leading up to it. I've heard it could be Sudden Death Chicken Syndrome, which leads me to want to know what happened still. I collected her last night, around 7:30, and I found some people that could look at...
  9. Duckstruck

    Suddenly Dead Chicken?

    Hello. Moments ago I came into my barn and found a dead easter egger. She was lying on her side under my rabbit hutch when I found her, no gore or clear indication of death. It just looks like she crawled under there and passed away. She's fairly young; I got her last March or so. She was laying...
  10. Duckstruck

    Pigeon in Large Poultry Run

    Hello! My grandfather is offering me some weaned homing pigeons, and I'd love to take a few, but I'd like to know what I need to set up and how extreme a pigeon will try to escape. I have a large run with chickens, ducks, and rabbits, with plenty of headroom for anything to fly. My concerns are...
  11. Duckstruck

    Duck gender/breed identification needed!

    A close friend of ours came to us in need of rehoming a trio of 7-week ducks from Easter because his grandson is "tired of them". We have a barn, and I've been raising ducks for 3 years. They're Unsexed and are an unknown breed. Here they are... I've had male and female ducks before. They...
  12. Duckstruck

    Breeding/Hatching Chickens for the First Time? Questions by a Newbie.

    Hello! This Spring, me and my friend are planning to breed my Polish hen to her Bantam Frizzle rooster. We have discussed this, but I have no expertise in keeping fertile eggs or breeding anything. I have a few basic questions (though feel free to throw in other advice; much appreciated!) How...
  13. Duckstruck

    A Duck with Serious Gape Worm

    Hello! I'm rekindling a thread I created last month. Here's the link to the last thread. I have a Pekin duck with Gape Worm. We pinpointed this when I posted some videos of her panting/gasping after I held her and the lurching of the neck. I know this could be in the Ducks Category, but I'm...
  14. Duckstruck

    Homing Pigeons for Christmas

    Hello! My grandfather has 9 white homing pigeons in need of rehoming. He has not released his birds yet and wants to give them to me for Christmas. I've visited them, and they are quite beautiful and healthy. I've seen the pigeons' housing and I can gather some information about them from him...
  15. Duckstruck

    Duck Suddenly Panting and Whimpering

    Hello... I swear, just after recovering a chick, dealing with syringe-medicating a duck two times a day, and having a different duck suddenly limp, I have to add to the list of my stresses. I have a 2-year-old Pekin duck who's been through a lot; an abusive drake has left her with a permanent...
  16. Duckstruck

    A Normal Chick with One Closed Eye?

    Hello! I'll just jump right into this... On September 27, we got 3 new chicks from My Pet Chicken, one of those chicks being a Polish one. Fast forward now, I'm giving the little ones more freedoms as they get older. Everyday I go out there, I let the adolescent chicks get outside in my run with...
  17. Duckstruck

    PLEASE READ! Pekin lost strength in foot!

    I first noticed one of my two-year-old Pekin ducks limping when I came back from vacation two days ago. Unlike my other pekin who had limped, this duck's condition is so much worse: she can't even paddle with it in deep water! After contacting the woman who was taking care of them while I was...
  18. Duckstruck

    That Duck's limping again...

    Lily: Female Pekin, Two Years Old, History of Limping, Broody, Eats Layer Pellets and Oyster Shells If you recognize me, then you'll probably know I've had a troubled pekin. For the past four months or so, I've had a female duck limp (Don't think I haven't tried to fix it). There are times where...
  19. Duckstruck

    Duck Struggling to Walk

    Hello! You might know me from another thread here called "PEKIN DUCK CAN'T STAND" or not. Lily, a 2-year-old female Pekin duck, has had issues in the past few months limping. In April, after limping for a while, she refused to walk and it took 3-4 weeks for her to recover and get back on her...
  20. Duckstruck

    Baby/Adult Quail needs?

    Hello! :frow My grandfather has recently offered me some baby quail for my "mini farm", and I would love to accept (since he's using them to hunt, so I feel sorry for them :(). The only time I can acquire them is NEXT WEEK, so I'm trying to get as much information as possible before time runs...
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