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  1. magdelaine

    Faverolles Thread

    Ha ha! The only possibility would be a Black Copper or Birchen Marans that the hens lived with before. The chicks would be black. I'm confident the salmon faverolles is the daddy.
  2. magdelaine

    Faverolles Thread

    @-Wirth- Ah I understand. Yes these three have been together exclusively in a secure pen for about 2 months. These little ones hatched over the last couple of days, and they do all have very feathered legs and 5 toes. It's good to hear that they grow out normally colored though I won't keep...
  3. magdelaine

    Faverolles Thread

    This is only my second hatch with this trio. The first probably only contained eggs from my hen from Ideal as the other from Sandhill Creek hadn't quite started laying yet. There were no markings on those babies. The male came from a breeder, can't remember where, but he was hatched a year ago...
  4. magdelaine

    Faverolles Thread

    I just hatched out some fat fluffy babies from my Faverolles trio. The thing is, some of the chicks have very light "chipmunk" striping in black. On a few it is as subtle as a couple of dots. I don't have a picture currently but I can get one. I know it indicates dirty genetics but I'm wondering...
  5. magdelaine

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    Only if it's a GIRL. :) Congrats!
  6. magdelaine

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    I just wanted to post a picture of this good looking BOY I hatched a few weeks ago. I do have a question, however. I seem to have the slow feathering gene show up in some of my boys, and now that I have more stock to choose from I'm culling those that exhibit it. The thing is, I'm...
  7. magdelaine

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    Depending on how the OE was bred, he or she should have a pea comb, and look smooth/bumpy. The Marans will have a single comb, and look serrated. But you can tell from the color too. A proper BCM will look like the one to the far left; penguin, with white flecks at the eyes and on the cheeks and...
  8. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    ...completely recover, regrowing the skin and feathers over areas of bare flesh. .Another time, the little cannibals went after a young cockerel and *completely* ate off half his parson's nose! It was just gone. I kept him separate after that, and he grew back the flesh, feathers and all. This...
  9. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I would love to see any pictures of Marans crosses. I'll get pics of my single guy and gal from last fall's breeding. The guy is not as good a boy as I hoped for (not sure which his Dam is, but there is something about his tail set I don't like) and will be processed soon.
  10. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    @Fire Ant Farm thank you! By the way, NN broilers sound fantastic! I'm not very familiar with broiler breeding...only that of Cornish Crosses. These guys and gals you would be able to raise to mate, correct?
  11. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you...I didn't know that about the leg color. I agree about him being a good breeder though! Which is why I'm penning him up in a couple of days with some Blue Copper and Black Copper Marans with nice leg feathering. I found out that if you keep only females from this mating and mate back...
  12. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Oh have blue laying Turkens?? And 3rd gen Marans x?? I would be very happy to do an egg exchange! Let me know when you are ready and what you are looking for specifically...color and size of eggs and/or color and size of birds. Mine have their strengths and weaknesses of course...
  13. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Oh yay! I love my NN EE layers. I'll try to get pics of them, they are pretty girls. It's crazy...they are my treasures. So many people don't "get" NNs.
  14. magdelaine

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Hi everyone! I'm jumping in this thread as I currently have somewhat of a Turken obsession. I got 5 Turkens from Ideal poultry almost 2 years ago, and I was so impressed with them and their laying capabilities, I started crossing them to Ameraucanas and Marans. I have specific goals with these...
  15. magdelaine

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    Oh yes. His website is out of date, lol. You might get quicker response on Facebook.
  16. magdelaine

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    Any bird that you are fairly sure has a double copy of the blue egg gene is a better bet. That would be pure Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars, and Auraucanas. As far as super olives go, it takes many generations of breeding OE's, crossing back to Marans, waiting until lay to see which ones lay...
  17. magdelaine

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    If you never get a brown or white egg from your layers, your birds have the double blue egg gene. Using double blue egg gene birds guarantees olive when crossed with dark brown egg birds. Anything else and the chances for brown layers increases. A BCM over Olive Egger means you have two copies...
  18. magdelaine

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    Yes, she couldn't be in the main coop. As far as I could tell, the others thought she was challenging them by "looking them in the eye" but she just couldn't see. With a couple other birds of a certain dispostion she was fine though. I needed her little pen for a breeding pen, though, so I...
  19. magdelaine

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    As said above, they can vary so much. I had one OE until she was re-homed recently; I bred her myself and she was a great layer of a small, dark olive egg BUT she was congenitally blind. I kept her because she laid 5 days a week, better than any of my others. My favorite OEs are those bred from...
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