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  • Users: maymay8
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  1. maymay8

    Oh No! Broodies left clutch - how long is too long?

    Hi All - I'm trying not to rage against our hens. They left their clutch -- due to hatch in three days -- sometime between last night 9 ish and this morning 10:30ish. The eggs were cool when I found them at 10:30, so they were likely left unattended for at least an hour or so. We are in...
  2. maymay8

    Hens stomping chicks to death?

    Our ultra broody cochin/silkie bantams are on their first and second clutch (mix of 2 moms on their second clutch and their 2 teens on their first clutch). Six of eleven eggs have hatched, but we just found two that came out of its egg today and one that came out of its egg two days...
  3. maymay8

    Removing failed eggs from super-broodies?

    Hi all - We have two very broody cochin/silkie bantam hens who have been sitting on a handful of failed eggs for about 30 days now. They are so dutiful and i'm thankful, but it seems time to remove the eggs. Any nuance here or should I just go right in and take them? Thanks, Maggie
  4. maymay8

    Broody AGAIN so soon!

    Hi All - Man are our two bantam cochin/silkie hens broody little beasts. They hatched out a clutch (their first) about 5 months ago and are now back at it! We aren't ready for more chickens, but I don't have the heart to break them of such a strong urge/instinct. So, we'll just make way for the...
  5. maymay8

    Should we kill it? How?

    So our chick that we think has crookneck is getting worse. It is day three of him not being able to hold his head up except to eat. It is fully upside down and he can only walk backwards. Now my husband says he's scratching his head and face with his legs and wings, breaking off feathers. He is...
  6. maymay8

    Chick with Croockneck - just need support

    Hi All - My husband found one of our chicks with Crookneck this a.m., or at least that is what we think he/she has. He is only about 2 months old, one of five chicks living with his dada and mamas and two other bantam silkie/cochin chickens. Nice flock. Nice rooster. But today the hens were...
  7. maymay8

    How soon after hatching clutch for the next eggs?

    Hi All - My two hens just hatched their first clutch. SO CUTE! I'm wondering when I should expect them to start laying daily eggs again. Any ideas? Maggie
  8. maymay8


    ...Thanks to everyone who helped me save him in the first place. His brothers and sisters are doing GREAT! Nature is so not rated PG. Best, Maggie ** Update for those who are interested ** After this little chick warmed up inside for about 5 hours, he/she was up and moving around, chirpping...
  9. maymay8

    Do I HAVE to separate mama/babies from other chickens?

    Hi there - I guess I'm going "natural" with the way I'm handling this first batch of eggs our hen is hatching as I write. While she went broody, I left her in the coop with the rest of the crew (total 4 bantam silkie/cochins, very mellow rooster) and was so pleased when our other hen decided she...
  10. maymay8

    heard little peeps under hen! yeah!

    Hi all - Just wanted to share thta I think some of the eggs our broody hens have been sitting on have hatched. When we went to water them this a.m., we heard little faint peeps from the hens' direction. Do brandnew chicks make peeping sounds? We didn't see anything and we didn't want to move...
  11. maymay8

    Brought in fertile egg by mistake. Feeling sad.

    morning - i've been having to clean out my broody's nest because other hens keep laying eggs to her. I marked the original clutch but yesterdya i guess i missed the mark on an egg and brought it in thinking it was an extra. i put it in the fridge where it stayed for over 24 hours. so this mrnig...
  12. maymay8

    first hatching in winter...please help (with pic)

    Hi all - I've gotten some great help lately with our broody hen, Juniper, who for her first time is sitting on about 9 eggs. If everything goes well, I expect a hatch at the end of November/early December. But the place where she and our chickens choose to roost (not in the enclosed, ventilated...
  13. maymay8

    Number of eggs under broody hen increasing? what gives?

    Hi there - my hen, juniper, a bantam silkie/cochin cross is broody for her first time. She is on day 7 of sitting on what I thought was only 6 eggs. But when she got out this a.m. for her daily drink/walk/dusting i peeked in and saw 9 eggs. I don't know if she laid some more eggs or if one of...
  14. maymay8

    Hen went broody in bad area? with pics

    Hi All - As the weather cools here in New Mexico, I'm worried about my chickens because they refuse to go into their coop to sleep, choosing instead to sleep in the open roost they used in the hot months. In the picture the open roost area is to the left on the groud. All four of our bantam...
  15. maymay8

    Broody or not?

    My bantam silkie/cochin hen has been laying eggs for only three weeks now (my frist experience with eggs) and I was told not to expect her to have brooding instincts until she is older. But this morning I couldn't find her in my yard and lo and behold she was in sitting in her little nest area...
  16. maymay8

    young hen not sitting on her first egg...what to do?

    Hi all - How excited we were to find an egg - our first - in our chicken area this morning. I thought our freshly minted hen would be sitting on it, but she's not. She's running around the yard with her brothers. They are all bantam silkie/cochin crosses about 6 months old. I'm worried that she...
  17. maymay8

    A chicken named Noodle, but what is she?(with pics)

    Hi All - This chicken arrived at my mother's trailer and she's been hanging around. They've named her Noodle. She looks young to me and my first very novice guess at her breed was an Easter Egger. But her legs look white. And those tail feathers have me stumped. She's obviously had some serious...
  18. maymay8

    When and for how long does your rooster crow?

    Our 7-month-old bantam chochin/silkie roo, Franklin, is a perfect alarm clock, crowing at about 6:15 a.m. (mountain time zone) for about 30 min. straight. He's been slowly pushing his first crow later as the sunrise gets later with Fall just around the corner. I thought it might be fun to see...
  19. maymay8

    Do chickens operate like a dog pack?

    I've been studying the behavior of our four chickens trying to decipher pecks and chasing and eating order and such. I'm trying to find the social rules of a flock. I know there is generally a head roo. Is there always a head hen? Do the rest of the chickens normally wait until the roo eats...
  20. maymay8

    Chickens in the rain

    I figured when it starts raining our flock, out free ranging in the yard, would head to the coop. But they just stand out in the rain. Is this normal? Do I need to round them up into the coop when it rains? I live in New Mexico where the rain storms are short, but they can be heavy. I don't want...
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