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  1. Chick named Lola

    Not an emergency but ALL 4 of my hens have Bumblefoot.

    I noticed one had a swollen foot, I had a feeling when I saw it what it was but I've never dealt with or seen it before. I took her to my chicken vet when I looked at it and noticed it was also on the other foot and dripping pus. Since she is the one who is always picked on already he was...
  2. Chick named Lola

    The heat is one thing, Washington DC area humidity is another

    It is hotter than the hinges of hell here and the humidity just makes it so much worse. My poor girls are just panting. I have fans blowing, ice in the water periodically thru the day, plenty of shade. I'm not sure what else I can do to make them more comfortable. I have these big sheds they...
  3. Chick named Lola

    Just diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

    I haven't been on one of my favorite boards lately, been a bit preoccupied. I had two surgeries last month and luckily only had to do a lumpectomy. It was small, grade 1 and didn't spread to my lymph nodes. God is so good. I just knew from git go that this was going to be ok, that God was in...
  4. Chick named Lola

    Lola finally laid her first egg since her bad molt, despite the Bactrim!

    Lola laid her first egg yesterday since she was sooooo sick for a couple weeks there in January. Someone had said that once you give your chicken the antibiotic Bactrim that she will never lay again. I just want everyone to know, this is NOT true! She laid a beautiful egg! Yay Lola you rock...
  5. Chick named Lola

    How do u get those bright red combs/wattles?

    My girls are healthy and fed a good variety of fruits/veggies, feed, mealworms and whatever they find around the yard during the day. They also get a scoop of wild bird seed since they dont like scratch. They eat everything BUT the corn. Snobs. Anyway, any advice? 5 hens, suburban...
  6. Chick named Lola

    Finished my first attempt at wool rug hooking! Pics of course...

    They look funny around the edges because I folded the fabric under for the pic. Now they look silly...oh well you get the idea anyway. It was very easy and fun to do. I have a pillow kit on the way and expect it any day now. It's addicting...every day I look on my porch for that brown box of...
  7. Chick named Lola

    Had to re-home two chickens

    ...HUGE flock of 30+ chickens at my friends house. Here they were spoiled rotten, there, they will be just one of many. Let's see how much of a bada** they are now! Now that opens up space for 3 new babies I've already ordered that will be here in June. I've got another EE, a Black...
  8. Chick named Lola

    Chicken admiring herself...

    So I've had a sick hen for the past two weeks. She's almost ALL better and today was her first day out with the girls. I had to remove a bully because she was starting fights with her. said she has to come in for the next couple nights until she's acclimated so I brought her into...
  9. Chick named Lola

    Re-Introduction not going so well....

    I've had a sick hen inside for almost 2 weeks...I know it's like introducing a new chicken at this point. I don't really see how I can seperate or section off the coop/run while they get used to each other again...that will leave someone outside for the night and she is way too skinny for that...
  10. Chick named Lola

    Indoor Hospital Chicken Coop

    I've had a sick hen for a bit now and wanted to share Lola's set up with you. She wanted to perch on something so bad, the only piece of wood I could find was a sign that says FRESH EGGS of all things. Anyway, turned it upside down as it also has a plaster chicken on it...anyway notice the...
  11. Chick named Lola

    Worming advice from my Avian Vet

    He just called to tell me that Lola's fecal from yesterday is neg. YAY! I asked him while I was there if he could advise me on a good worming schedule for this area...This was his advice. He said he doesn't like to treat unless there is a problem. Why give your chicken medicine it doesn't...
  12. Chick named Lola

    Lola's outside and walking normally! YAY!!!!

    Not Lola!!! Please God, don't let anything happen to her! I can barely see what I'm typing because I cannot stop crying....just went out to check on the girls (all in various stages of their first molt). Lola is the only one going thru a hard molt. Earlier this am I notice when I let them...
  13. Chick named Lola

    Cedar Shavings?

    In a pinch I had to get cedar instead of pine shavings, is this ok? It sure does make it smell nice! They also say it keeps away fleas/mites...It's waaaay more expensive but that's all they had and I was desperate!
  14. Chick named Lola

    Hens laying eggs under my shed!

    So I moved a bunch of rocks etc...out of the way so the hens could go under the shaded shed and lay in the cool dirt. They took to this idea right away. Unfortunately, instead of coming back to the coop to lay, they must be laying them under there since I have maybe 1 egg a day all of a...
  15. Chick named Lola

    Egg looks like a childs finger!!!

    So, it appears I have a broody hen. No eggs for the past three days. I found her today in the coop singing the eggs song with a look of relief and this was underneath her... I opened it up and it was rubbery on one end (the fingertip end) and the other side cracked like an egg with only the...
  16. Chick named Lola

    Will she be ok?

    I know with the extreme heat/humidity I should not expect many eggs right now. I am concerned about a hen I have that has been trying unsuccessfully to lay an egg for the past two days. She has sat up in the coop for hours each day trying in vain. She comes out hot, exhausted and weakish...
  17. Chick named Lola

    So went to clean the poop from the coop and found a bloody mess!

    I will post a pic. How much is a lot of blood for a chicken? I knew who to check first, my SS that always gets beaten up by the SLW. I was right, she had dried blood down her breast bone but not obvious cause...she wasn't being very cooperative. She seems fine, eatin etc.. Should I do...
  18. Chick named Lola

    Coop Run Addition, alllllmost done! Check it out...

    Edited to add a couple more pics: The soon to be roof, once we install the galvanized corugated stuff we just bought:
  19. Chick named Lola

    This site has the most amazing...

    ...pretty, fun things! Any kind of neato ribbon, string, embellishments etc...I was looking for bakers string. It looks so cute tied around a jar of homemade canned goods with an old fashioned, manilla mailing tag. They have EVERY color! I got the assortment but I was really looking for the...
  20. Chick named Lola

    !!!No shell? No membrane???!!!!! Help!

    I have 5 healthy girls, today I only got one egg. I just went out and on top of the fake eggs was the inside of an egg. As if someone cracked open an egg right there. No trace of egg shell. Even the yolk was intact. Is this ok???
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