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  1. rhodiegal

    Friesland breed?????

    Could be - thought it was interesting that she must of seen and heard of the breed Friesland before to have written of them, but maybe she had seen a Frizzle version of it - or maybe she was confused between the two names as they sound kind of alike? I was not sure when the Frizzle feathers...
  2. rhodiegal

    Friesland breed?????

    I am reading The Mill on the Floss, which was written by George Eliot in 1860. The author mentions a chicken owned by a 'gentleman farmer' in England called a Friesland hen. She goes on to describe it as, "with their feathers all turned the wrong way." The first thing I thought was it was...
  3. rhodiegal

    HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

    Yes - I did see that post of the respiratory infection, could be a possiblity. I was just remembering that when we first got her, she drank and drank and drank. I remembered thinking it odd - she would visit the waterer all the time - much more than the others, and gobble up water. I wonder if...
  4. rhodiegal

    HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

    ok - gave her cocci medication (it is Corid), so will see if it helps - thanks for the information.
  5. rhodiegal

    HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

    Yard full o' rocks - will keep an eye for bloody diarreah and will get pedialyte. I do have medication for cocci that I have used for peafowl, young chickens and goats - I wonder if I should give her some - you had cocci with very young chicks? I was not aware they could get the cocci until they...
  6. rhodiegal

    HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

    We just got her yesterday and she was the perkiest of the bunch. Started getting sleepy last night and now she sleeps all the time except when we wake her to administer sugar water. I have 5 chicks total in a brooder and have not been exposed to other chickens, they are on medicated feed, so not...
  7. rhodiegal

    HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

    Have a 4 day old Sultan chick that is so droopy, it can hardly manage to stay awake. Gave her some sugar water, but still falls asleep.
  8. rhodiegal

    strange growth coming out of skin on chest

    It is coming out of the keel area. Will try to get a photo today. It does not look like anything recognizable that she may have impaled herself on, I am about to go check on her again and see how the green looks - it was a neon color.
  9. rhodiegal

    strange growth coming out of skin on chest

    I have a broody Maran that I removed from the nest in order to get her to start laying again. I just happened to notice a strange, hard growth coming directly out of her chest - literally poking through a hole in her skin. Underneath the skin, there is a larger area of hard growth, and it is...
  10. rhodiegal

    Things you remember but that most young folks never heard of. Pre 1980

    Chinese jump rope Battlestar Galactica Those rounded cloth purses with the wooden handles Parachute pants with oriental letter shirts Green Machine Supertight Jordache jeans with the legs pined togther with safety pins Members Only jackets (that may have been more 80's)
  11. rhodiegal

    to worm or not to worm!!!ugh

    I would not worm them unless you know they need it - supposedly all chickens carry worms that do not cause problems. They can however, get out of hand (like if you see them in the poo). We wait one month before eating the eggs if using Ivermectin just to be safe (there is no withdrawel time...
  12. rhodiegal

    What do with unwanted roosters?

    I agree with the free. I did that once in our Farmer's and Consumer's bulletin and had over 100 calls.
  13. rhodiegal

    transporting adult chickens

    Agree - in my experience they sit down and become still during the ride, so that may actually be calming for them.
  14. rhodiegal

    First Flock

    Congratulations! You will really enjoy having them. I think you have picked some very good breeds. In my opinion, Silver Laced Wyandottes are some of the most beautiful chickens. Being your first flock, I think a variety of breeds is a great idea b/c then you can really see ones you may...
  15. rhodiegal

    Ideal and Araucanas?

    I ordered two 'Easter Eggers' from Ideal last summer. One of them had no rear end. I figured that maybe somewhere in its family tree there was an Araucana and the genes decided to show themeselves in this one little chick. It was sickly and died two days later, so I guess I will never know...
  16. rhodiegal

    Question about introducing new chicken to flock.

    As long as the BO's are fully feathered, they will be fine outside. I assume you are talking about Buff Orpingtons - they have ALOT of fluffy feathering and are good and hardy for cold weather. It has always has helped us to introduce more than one chicken at a time to an existing flock (which...
  17. rhodiegal

    Rooster questions

    I don't know if I am just unlucky with Roosters, but we have never had a standard sized rooster that was not mean to me or the kids besides a Tyson Roo that we found on the side of the road that had fallen off the truck. He may have been too big to attack even if he wanted to. We have had no...
  18. rhodiegal

    How to care for Eggs

    It seems that I read somewhere that leaving a fresh egg on the counter at room temperature for one day is the same as a week of refrigerating. That sounds a bit much, but I am pretty sure I read that somewhere in a study. Agree with others - you really do not want to wash them if possible b/c...
  19. rhodiegal

    How and When Do I Introduce New Chicks to Hens?

    Agree with others - let them grow to a good size first so they can manage the initial squabbles. Then introduce all at the same time (at least more than one at a time). I have never tried the sneaky nightime trick, but I could see how it would throw the existing flock off a bit.
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