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  1. marathonmultiplesmom

    Indian Runner Ducklings... and one looks TUFTED?

    I got the indian runner eggs on trade. I found the seller on ebay and she has been extremely friendly, and helpful. In addition we had a great hatch! But one little duckling looks tufted to me. This is my first year with any ducks. I have runner ducks from someone else that are a few weeks old...
  2. marathonmultiplesmom

    Vent Sexing Waterfowl Video

    Just sharing this waterfowl vent sexing video showing goslings I just hatched a bunch of goslings today so that was fun. I have 4 in the brooder and 4 in the bator. Well thats a bunch for me
  3. marathonmultiplesmom

    Hatching right now! :)

    Just wanted to share the joyous news. I had 9 eggs, 8 were fertile, 4 have hatched and 4 are pipped. Here is a photo of two of them. Last year I was using a styrofoam incubator and had a terrible time, very low hatch rates. This year I have a better bator and am keeping it closed! Here is a...
  4. marathonmultiplesmom

    IS there some kind of EGG SWAP thread?

    I was wondering where would I post an egg swap interest thread... its not really buying or selling... but I thought it would be neat to barter eggs somewhere with other BYC members?
  5. marathonmultiplesmom

    9 eggs in the bator!

    I am incubating goose eggs again this year. I didn't really want to after my bad goose winter... last year I had pretty bad hatches with EVERYTHING I LOOKED AT!!! But this year I've already had some 100% hatches with chickens... I have a better incubator. I still wanted to skip geese this year...
  6. marathonmultiplesmom

    Oldest Cornish Cross?

    Hi, Last year I got real lazy and never butchered 4 of my Cornish Crosses and as it turns out they make great garden tillers. Except that I had a hawk picking them off one by one so I moved the last one back to the orchard which they were protected by the geese before. So I have one lone cornish...
  7. marathonmultiplesmom

    Waiting for eggs!

    Where are you? Did you get eggs yet? My neighbor got eggs. I am still eggless! ANY day now...
  8. marathonmultiplesmom

    I just made my first Homemade Incubator. Check Her Out!

    YAY! Here she is! I need some ideas on making an auto-turner or at least a manual way to turn all eggs at once. I don't have a turner or plastic tray that will fit so I am brainstorming on that. The bator is running and currently up to 94F so I am fine tuning the thermostat now. I have a...
  9. marathonmultiplesmom

    Chicks - Heritage Delaware, Black Australorp Buff Orpington WASHINGTON

    Chicks available! Right now we have 20 and next week we have some more hatching. I have mostly Heritage Delaware and Black Australorp but also some Buff Orpington and few Barred Rock. Straight Run. I am in Chehalis, WA in Lewis County. About 30 mins from Olympia, 90 mins from Seattle, 90 mins...
  10. marathonmultiplesmom

    Brinsea Eco 20 Question

    Hi, I ran the machine for 2 full days and it maintained temps just fine. I set the eggs about 21 hours ago and the temp is still only 98 degrees. Should I wait longer or try and adjust the temp. It DOES say in the manual that it can take 24 hours to get to temp after setting the eggs.... but I...
  11. marathonmultiplesmom

    ALL my geese are sick and 4 died so far :(

    Hello, I'm not 100%sure what is going on but given the fact that the geese and other orchard birds (some chickens and a turkey who is now dead from said sickness) are all sick right now. But the layers that they come in contact with regularly are not sick I am assuming that some wild animal or...
  12. marathonmultiplesmom

    They want to make it ALL illegal. What do you think of Senate Bill 510 This all affects us whether we grow plants or not because we have chickens or fowl, and they are food or produce eggs which are food. Its on the Senate Calender and they want to make all gardening illegal. They want to...
  13. marathonmultiplesmom

    Weakness followed by sudden death. 3 chickens 1 turkey & 2 geese DEAD

    Hi, I have a chicken coop area with a large run. None of those chickens have been dying from this. But neighboring their run is our small orchard where there were 11 geese, 10 cockerels and a turkey hen. The geese live there because they clean up the orchard but the turkey was "Christmas" and...
  14. marathonmultiplesmom

    My geese saved the day!

    Today I really feel thankful for my geese... REALLY! I was frolicking through the enchanted forest looking for some chantrelle mushrooms and also photographing other interesting looking mushrooms as a hobby. I found an interesting circle formation of mushrooms and went in through the thick and...
  15. marathonmultiplesmom

    Ok, Who has eaten a Goose?

    Just curious... I have one in the oven and not because I wanted to eat him. I was about 4 seconds too late to save him after he got out of the fence and the dogs got him. It was too late, he was dead but freshly killed and body in tact. With mixed emotions about this I plucked and cleaned him...
  16. marathonmultiplesmom

    How come I'm not getting eggs?!?

    Hi everyone, ok so I will start at the last dramatic change to the flock. We had... oh idk, a dozen or so laying hens and all was lovely. We got enough eggs for our family. Then the dogs killed off all but 5 hens. They were scared and traumatized and stopped laying for a month or two. Then I...
  17. marathonmultiplesmom

    I'm a real goose lady now. I got attacked!

    I went out to feed my flock of 13 geese and 30-something meat chickens who are currently living together. Soon the chickens will be in the freezer but anyway. I did a head count and came up with 12. One of my goslings was missing. His name is Mate. (so I can say g'day mate) So, I looked around...
  18. marathonmultiplesmom

    Boys and Girls together... I think! :) 3 breeds

    I hatched some chicks. They are about 4 weeks old, maybe a few days shy of that. Well here goes. Let me know if you agree that these are indeed pairs. Barred Rock - Hen left/Roo Right Hen looks darker/ roo looks lighter comb is bigger on roo and roo's waddle is more red. Hen is more pink. I...
  19. marathonmultiplesmom

    3 week old chicks outside?

    Hi, it has been warm here. I mean, its SUMMER after all. I just set up the chick pen and put 10 chicks out. They have all wing feathers, looks like shoulder feathers and starting some neck feathers plus some have tail feathers. Thats okay right? I had them in the brooder and for the past 2...
  20. marathonmultiplesmom

    I got a new pair of Pilgrims... new story... MIRACLE! (PICS)

    I just got these two today. I wanted them for my goose who was sitting on one overdue rotten egg. Got that problem solved now but aren't they just darling? The person I got them from got the parent stock from Holderreads and has 2 pairs left... wants $30 for a pair. One pair means 1 boy and 1...
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