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  1. alexisrambles

    LSO Silkie hatching eggs

    Hello! I'm looking to get about a half dozen hatching eggs in the next few months. I lost my paint silkie rooster and it looks like none of the eggs my girls have laid are fertilized. I'm pretty open as to color. Honestly I'm good with bearded or unbearded.
  2. alexisrambles

    What are THESE!????? Sand colored mites in my house.

    So I have had four silkies in my house for quite a while. they just left this week, so I took the time this weekend to clean my house. The next day, I found this pile of what look like sand on the floor. When I swept it up it clumped together like wet sand. Upon a closer inspection however, it's...
  3. alexisrambles

    New silkies--should I worm just in case?

    Hi guys! So I have four new silkies thanks to an acquaintance hatching a few too many (like thirty too many!). They're inside my house in quarantine for now. I do notice some gaping in them, but it may have been from stress and transport/full crops. They're around 8-10 weeks. My question is...
  4. alexisrambles

    Should I focus on a different breed?

    So my Creves are giving me trouble. First my rooster has a defect or two I'm not sure I want to pass on. Now one of my two Creve hens is dead. Probably raccoon since her head was gone and she was all eaten. Or a mink. So now I have one good Creve hen and an aggressive less than perfect rooster...
  5. alexisrambles

    Metal Shed Conversion to Chicken Coop- Progress and Questions

    Heyya guys! I'm convincing my family to clean out their old shed on the property I'm renting (long story), and I'll be able to turn it into a chicken coop! Now the biggest thing will be ventilation. This building isn't super tight at all, so there is a little bit already. Should I consider...
  6. alexisrambles

    Keeping chickens OUT of the dog pen

    So it's official.... My dog is a chicken killer. I've managed to save his victims this far but it's NOT through lack of effort on his part. So here is my problem. This yard has two gates into it. Their entry point is only about 10 yds long. I need to keep them OUT of the dogs yard ... And...
  7. alexisrambles

    Young cockerel not fitting into flock well

    Hello guys-- I need some advice. I got my flock from McMurray and had a great experience. My surprise chick is a dark brahma cockerel. He is very human friendly but doesn't seem to get along well with the rest of the flock. His human pecks sometimes do get a bit rough, but he responds well to...
  8. alexisrambles

    Evaluate my girl? Dark Brahma Pullet

    Hi guys! I really like my one "mystery chick" that I got from Murray's with my order of chicks. Now I know hatchery stock tends to be complete poop when it comes to SOP, but since I love my one DB girl so much, I'd really love to know what her weaknesses are so I can start fiddling! Now she is...
  9. alexisrambles

    Emergency Run Expansion

    Hello y'all! So a while back I had an accident while someone moved my chicken tractor for me and I lost 3 chickens. I'll be building a big coop for them to live in in the near future, but in the mean time I really need to give them more space than they've currently got. My area doesn't really...
  10. alexisrambles

    An Accident has Occurred

    I lost three chickens yesterday. I'm managing better now, but of course two of my favorites were in there. I'm gonna have to write an article about it. Crushing accident with moving the chicken tractor... Two were injured though. One was limping and one has a swollen shut eye and was gasping a...
  11. alexisrambles

    Interior walls in coop vs exposed framing

    Hi guys! I'm working on my chicken coop plans, and I'm really torn between putting nice pretty interior walls in, or just leaving the exposed framing. Who has or hasn't put interior walls in and why? Feel free to share coop pictures! I'm considering interior walls (like paneling) so cleaning...
  12. alexisrambles

    I have mites.... Help!!!

    Hi guys. So I found out I have mites. I was looking at my latest pic of a chick's scabby wing healing, and spotted a mite!! I am HORRIFIED. Poor chickies must be so itchy... Any recommendations for threads to read on how to get rid of them? It's a little hard to scrub the coop because it's a...
  13. alexisrambles

    Feather Cysts? Treat or see if it'll fix itself.

    Hello guys! I think one of my girls, a dark brahma, has feather cysts on her wings. She's about 6-7 weeks old. I thought at first it was just her picking at her first moult, but her wings don't look too fun. She's acting fine, pooping fine. When my girls started moulting, it was really hard on...
  14. alexisrambles

    Mystery Poop ID

    Hello guys! So this morning I had some mystery poop on my front step. Can I have some help ID-ing?? The plug posted for size comp is 2.25 in long. There are no seeds in it that I can tell so I tend to not think raccoon or possum. We did lose track of a barn cat a few days ago so I almost hope...
  15. alexisrambles

    Itchy Chicks- is it moulting or parasites!?

    Hi guys! So my chicks are all growing in their feathers, some faster than others, and some of them have bald patches for days while the full feathers grow in. Some of the chicks seem to grow feathers right out of the follicle with the down still attached, lucky things, but one girl in...
  16. alexisrambles

    Pretty sure I'm Overreacting but... Chicks with Full Crops from Gorging?

    Okay so I'm pretty sure they're fine. But I need feedback!!!! My chicks (approx 2.5 weeks) ran out of food and knocked their water over when I was at work. I gave them more of both when I got home, and they proceeded to stuff their tiny crops FULL. They're disproportionately large and they kept...
  17. alexisrambles

    My chickens have arrived!

    My chickens arrived today!!! OMG! I already have a small problem with them getting out of the wire kennel I'm using for a brooder. Apparently mine can get some air time at two or three days old!!! I didn't expect that to be a problem for while. I ordered from McMurray, and let me tell you, I'm...
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