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  1. farmergirl96

    WTB-----2 to 5 India Blue Peachicks

    Just want to let you all know that I found the ones I want and pics should come soon! --HyHy
  2. farmergirl96

    How Long do chickens live?

    I'd guess they'll die at about 8 years old--but stop laying a lot sooner. HH Turner
  3. farmergirl96

    Our Head Hen Likes to Stand On People

    That's really cute! I had a hen who I trained to do that, if I held out my arm to her. I have also had many RIR who jumped on me, 'cause I used to feed them treats sitting down, and they'd get more if they jumped on my shoulder or my head---which was covered by a bandana, just FWI. :o) I think...
  4. farmergirl96

    Changing to new chicken house- how to transition older chickens?

    It should be fine. They'll remember where to find food and water so they'll keep coming back. --H
  5. farmergirl96

    eggs changing color??

    I think that's pretty normal for chickens eggs to fluctuate and vary. I had a hen who was so big that when she got in the nesting box her behind stuck out and the egg would always fall on the floor. The shell was always so strong it would never break. Anyway hers for a while all had a white ring...
  6. farmergirl96

    What Do I Do With My Roosters?

    I've had aggressive roosters before and I always just tell ppl to step inside the coop really fast and put a trash-can lid over the door to the run. If that doesn't work I tell them just to bring a big rake or snow-shovel. Roosters are really fraidy cats, and can't hurt anyone w/ something that...
  7. farmergirl96

    please post some pics of your peacocks

    WoW. These pics are amazing!! Can't wait to get my own! ~Hydrangea
  8. farmergirl96

    WTB-----2 to 5 India Blue Peachicks

    Thank you guys for your suggestions! I have already tried the peafowl association....but w/out success. I also tried pet finder, upon your suggestion, but found nothing there. The craigslist idea was great! We found a breeder 3 hours away from us, and I think that may be where we get them! I'm...
  9. farmergirl96

    WTB-----2 to 5 India Blue Peachicks

    Hey all--- My dad is going to build me a new chicken coop this Thanksgiving and there will be room for peafowl in it. I really want to buy some---but I don't know where I can. Do you all have any ideas? Or even better, do you happen to have some you would like to sell? That would be so...
  10. farmergirl96

    4th of July baby

    Lol, last year my chicks hatched on the 4rth and I named them Liberty, Patriot, Yankee, and Independence. I guess great minds think alike, right? H.H.T.
  11. farmergirl96

    How to Move a Broody Hen...

    Hello all, Maybe some of you read my post almost three weeks ago about if I should let my black star (or maybe black autralorp--I can't tell) go broody. I decided to let her, and she hasn't given up so far. They're due Thursday. So my dad made me an awesome nesting box, and I cleaned out a...
  12. farmergirl96

    Need chick advice! Lost one, others not looking too well

    I use sugar-water (my own concoction: 2 ingredients: sugar and water!) to get my chicks (and chickens) perked up. Another thing that helps is egg whites. It just makes them strong somehow...I don't know the science behind it. You might also try putting chick starter in their water. I hope this...
  13. farmergirl96

    It's been a month...

    Good news! ======== There is a crack in one of the eggs, and when I pick it up I can feel the chick moving, and I can also hear it (and some other ones as well!) cheeping! There mom (Judith) is taking a dust-bath currently, but whenever she needs a break one of my old english game hens (Susan)...
  14. farmergirl96

    It's been a month...

    Sad News.... I made a little candler, and I looked at 4 of the eggs through it. 2 I kept just in case. The 3rd didn't look right, so I cracked it, and sure enough it was about a 6 day old chick (embryo) with a circle of blood around it. So it was dead. The 4th also didn't look right, so I...
  15. farmergirl96

    Black-star Seems To Be Going Broody---is It Possible?

    Thanks for all the encouraging advice, I have decided to try to hatch them. I collected eggs from under my broody hen (Chadwick) yesterday and the day before, and today she was still broody but with no eggs under her! So I put all the eggs laid today (8) underneath her. Maybe since they're laid...
  16. farmergirl96

    My chickens don't like there nesting boxes

    I don't think the dislike of nesting boxes would make your chickens not lay. I doubt they see any correlation between the two. When they start to lay they may not lay in their nesting boxes. Some of mine lay in the run, on the floor, or in the feeder. It is more of a pain to collect them from...
  17. farmergirl96

    Problem with Silkie Rooster and cochin Hen

    Whenever I try to mix a chicken with feathers on its head with other chickens it gets picked on. They say birds of a feather flock together, and it really is true. If you have a smaller amount of silkies than normal chickens, maybe you could try to find some other place to keep your silkies...
  18. farmergirl96

    can 1 roo handle 30 hens?

    In my experience 1 rooster for every 25 hens is good. The hens aren't overworked and the rooster has enough to keep him happy. If I were you I would get rid of the less active one. That would be a good amount of fertile eggs for how many hens you have. Good luck!
  19. farmergirl96

    brooding hens

    Sometimes hens try to hatch even if they have no rooster. If they are not acting broody though, they might have some sort of disease. Every once in a while one of my chickens sits on the floor of the coop for a couple weeks and then eventually dies. I don't know the problem though. I wish you...
  20. farmergirl96

    Dust Bath

    3 things: 1. They often don't start until they're older 2. Mine at least don't do it unless it's a hot day and this might not apply to you 3. They have to have a very dusty place to do it. In the summer when my chickens runs are all hard and dry I spray the hose in there. They love to scratch...
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