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  1. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    ....When you walk into the local Rural King, only to find out that you're carrying a green, freshly-laid EE egg and the coop keys in your pocket. -Alex
  2. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Believe it or not, it wasn't that bad! Or maybe my nose is just calloused. That mental picture is so hilarious I can't take it! -Alex
  3. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    You know you're country when..... You happen to walk outside while suffering from and cold and you realize your nose is running, but completely forgot a tissue. So, you improvise and blow your nose on a corn husk. Your favorite time of year is the chilly months because you get to wear...
  4. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    You know you're country when..... You have crickets bigger than your big toe living in the mudroom. You have 3 or more Spring Peepers hanging on the kitchen window every night. You're mowing through the orchard on a breezy day with fermented apple and pear "wine" spraying all over you...
  5. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Oh, no! That doesn't sound too good.... -Alexandra
  6. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Well, he'll soon look normal again. Yeah.....right, "better". Angel sure doesn't look "better" in spite of my efforts. I've got one dingy Rock. -Alexandra33
  7. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Ha ha ha! I DO have four hands, because how could I manage such a feat with only two? Yes, by all means, RUN AWAY at all costs from the concept of bathing chickens! Nothing but bad comes from it. Bubbles wouldn't look quite right if he were "Angelfied", right? -Alexandra33
  8. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    I have an egg basket, but for some reason, I ALWAYS forget it before going out to the coop in the morning or any time. So, I end up taking the hard route: carrying 6-7 eggs at once, some under my armpits, and having to unlatch the gate and turn the doorknobs to boot. This is an Olympic feat when...
  9. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    You know you're country when.... You're mowing the yard with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding an egg. -Alexandra33
  10. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    I had another country person moment today. You know you're country when.... You are out in the yard and find yourself eating an apple, picking pears, carrying a freshly laid egg and chick waterer all at the same time. -Alexandra33
  11. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    I don't think I've ever been as dirty as I was today, having both cleaned the coop and bathed two chickens. That must be part of being country! It had to have been around 90 degrees today with very high humidity and blazing sun, so I was sweating badly. My White Rock sprayed me head to toe...
  12. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    You know you're country when..... T.Roo, your Lavender Orpington cockerel, sprays feed mixed with water from his beak into your mouth, and after spitting once, it's all good. -Alexandra33
  13. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Oh my goodness! I think I would have a heart attack if I saw a wolf spider that huge. We may be country, but I still have yet to get used to big, hairy spiders. Now, snakes on the other hand, I just so happen to LOVE them; a Ringneck snake would make me a great pet someday. -Alexandra33
  14. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    You know you're country when..... A gigantic colony of hornets has taken residence in your mudroom wall. It's actually pretty fun to put your ear up and listen to the humming! You use the broken in wall on your 100 or more year-old barn as a trampoline to jump on. I've done this so much...
  15. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    We should do that again. I enjoyed it so much!
  16. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Ditto, shortgrass. Genetically modified blackberries are not for me! Who wants to put those chemicals that are unfit for human consumption in their bodies? I can relate! My feet are positively disgusting most of the time; in fact, I even clean the coop in flip flops. Throw barn dirt in the mix...
  17. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    That's true! But the pattern seems to be that the germs on a country person's hands belong to farm animals and substances associated with the outdoors, so I'm fine with that. We're already immune to that stuff by now. What does gross me out is when people use the public bathrooms, fail to wash...
  18. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    I have eaten so many unwashed apples off the tree and wild blackberries and black raspberries that I've lost count. Now that I think of it, those apples have probably had worms galore in them, and the funny part is.....I never check, and don't even mind if some have ended up in my belly. Stuff...
  19. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Poor kid.....I gave him a dead moth to play with today. Of course, when I offered it to him, you would have thought it was the most fabulous toy ever by the way he reacted! Aren't I just so kind to my little brother? Only country kids would consider a dried up insect to be a source of endless...
  20. Alexandra33

    You know you are "Country" when...

    I put on a shirt the other day that had only been worn once, only to find out that it had several streaks of sneaky chicken poop on the front that had previously gone unnoticed. In case you were wondering, it was the super runny and gritty kind. -Alexandra33
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