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  1. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Anybody have any ideas how to get the police to respond to a neighbor pouring poison on a tree in the fence to our goat's yard??? Are there any oversight committees in Oklahoma to make the police do their job?
  2. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Oh no. (((Hugs))) Losses like that are so devastating. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, dealing with loss is part of the reality of farm life. There's nothing fun about it. Allow yourselves to grieve. We've all been through it at least once. We lost all of our turkeys one year to an opposum. They...
  3. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hoping all the fruit trees made through the cold last night. I wish, just once, we wouldn't have a freeze after being 80° for a week.
  4. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Anyone need a roo or two? I have a silver spangled hamburg that needs a new home. He's beautiful. I'll try to post some pics later today. He and my dominate roo don't get along and he's kind of noisy for my backyard. But he's such a beauty, id rather rehome him, than eat him.
  5. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Its one thing to have infertile eggs. No one can guarantee that. Not even hatcheries will guarantee it. But they were saying these eggs were ripe, as in rotten. No one should be trying to sell rotten eggs.
  6. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    The only time that's happened to us with chickens had to do with humidity levels. But we've had ducks do it multiple times. We found out our ducks have a crested gene lurking in them which kills about 75% of hatchlings in the last 24 - 36 hours. So I wonder if there is some genetic abnormality...
  7. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Yikes on the hail! Might I ask what you made the head cheese from? I made some from goat last fall. It tastes like the most flavorful roast beef ever.
  8. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I'm finally going to get my silkie pen built!!! Yeah. I just love those birds. They're so stinkin cute with personalities to match. I'll finally be able to keep them safe.
  9. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I put mine in egg cartons to hatch as well, eliminates the rolling around of the other eggs and sort of contains the mess.
  10. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Yep. Some are just born that way. Its usually a good thing. Its the lethargic ones that kind of lay around, not moving much, that we tend to lose. I've also found when chicks are being fiesty and running around the bator the other eggs hatch faster.
  11. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Yep but its two hours later. Whatcha need? If youre still on ... In other news, the chicks at the store got me again. I finally built a proper brooder though instead of a cardboard box. And i got innovative with the waterer. We're trying to move to nipple waterers to save water and muck. The...
  12. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    We always lost babies on shavings. First week we keep them on old towels that we change out when needed, that way they are only eating food. Then we put them on straw, not hay, that is too big to be ingested whole. Also use cider vinegar with molasses in their water the first couple of weeks...
  13. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    The whole world has gone mad, I tell you. Mad mad mad ... just thought id throw that out there.
  14. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Not sure what's going on near my house but we've had a helicopter flying about. At first I thought they were going to the hospital but they've never landed. Now I'm kinda worried about the noises I heard in the living room and upstairs since I went out there and found my door standing open. I...
  15. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    @SharkmanDan I can't address everything you asked but we normally sell fertile eggs "as is" with no guarantees. So when people buy they know they haven't been candled and if they develop or hatch is not my problem. I usually can't even tell when candling until at least 3 or 4 days after they are...
  16. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Yes, they are standard, not minis. I'm 90 miles north of OKC on I35.
  17. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Anyone need some rabbits? I have a mini-lop and a rex, both females, both black and around a year old that I got in a trade ... and I don't need any more female rabbits. I'm looking for a couple of Dominick hens or a male silkie or quail or any hen that lays white eggs. I'm open for other trades...
  18. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Beautiful poofs and a lovely photo. I read up on the crested ducks after we hatched one. Apparantly they have a skull malformation that causes the feathers to grow that way. Interestingly, crested ducks often completely develop in their eggs and then die at lock down. Only 1 in 300 is born alive...
  19. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Been battling illness since mid October. Thinking its all related back to the rocky mountain spotted fever as I keep running a fever off and on but I can't afford to go to a doctor to find out and our great state refuses to play by the new health care rules ... sad when a supposedly first world...
  20. erinszoo

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    How scary! Hope you're safe and your neighbors are too, now.
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