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  1. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    bravo Ron!! they are so adorable!
  2. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    love seeing all the photos!! bravo!
  3. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    so much good news for you!
  4. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    not a terribly exciting photo, but here's my girl Eleanor, determinedly settled into her broody nest & ready to incubate... i'll be getting some eggs for her to sit on this weekend. she's such a sweet girl! she comes off the nest briefly when i get home after work to let everyone out, &...
  5. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    no trouble -- she's LF, the eggs are LF.
  6. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    thanks all! she is a LF not a bantam... very excited about her becoming a mama!
  7. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    one of my two lovely Basque chicklets has gone broody! i'm so excited -- and looking for any suggestions on how many eggs to put under a first-time EO broody? don't want to overwhelm her with too many, but also want to try as many as i can in case some don't hatch! thanks in advance!
  8. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    my basque girl Eleanor similarly loves to jump/fly up on my shoulder, and has become the boss of the younger flock (5 pullets all about 12 weeks old): and the newest one, Maggie, is unfortunately at the absolute bottom of the pecking order right now, but i have the feeling she'll move up...
  9. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    i had gotten what we thought was a cream legbar chick in the same batch as eleanor -- but as she's grown, she looked a bit different, and this weekend we decided that she's actually a CL/penedenesca cross, who should be a lovely olive-egger -- but the breeder, Deann, VERY generously offered me a...
  10. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    what could be better than a basque pullet? an extra basque pullet, that's what! gotten through an unexpected pullet mix-up, yesterday afternoon: the new girl (left), who'll be called maggie, goes face to face with eleanor, who's most likely a sister or cousin (they came from the same...
  11. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Deann, you'll be happy to know that the two basques i got from you are doing great, although Baby has turned out to be male so i won't be able to keep him -- but Eleanor, the girl, is by FAR the friendliest chick i've had yet -- 9 weeks old yesterday! from last week: eleanor baby and...
  12. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    no, the sheep themselves are not Basque, but Marcia's family is and her cheese-making process is -- and the cheese itself is utterly delicious. she's been winning lots of awards with it lately!
  13. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    totally random & somewhat tangential story, but here it is: a friend of mine comes from an old Basque sheep-herding family, and is making award-winning sheep's cheese (utterly delicious) utilizing her old family heritage -- I'll be seeing her this weekend, and mentioned my two EO chicklets --...
  14. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    funny, everyone here thought Baby was a girl a week ago! (see pages 206-7 of this forum) -- and i've got *several* girls, of various ages and breeds, who flare their hackles, all the time (the isbar's usual sparring partner is a cream legbar, who is 100% guaranteed girl). and i'm not sure what...
  15. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    yes, that's why Baby remains a mystery -- coloring is male, but isn't developing a male-looking comb or wattles or etc. that said, Baby WAS the smallest chick (by far) of the bunch, so maybe just slow-developing? s/he is 7 weeks old as of yesterday.
  16. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    just checking in with some new photos, Eleanor and Baby are now 7 weeks old -- baby's comb is a tiny bit bigger than eleanor's, but no sign of any wattles -- still not 100% convinced of baby's gender, but seems likely a pullet: eleanor pecking around together similar, but perhaps...
  17. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    and no, i didn't get the chicks from Skyline, but from a local breeder (Deann Disilva), but she got HER birds from Skyline. so, 2nd generation, or something like that.
  18. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    hey thanks -- i'll keep keeping an eye on him/her! i suppose a little gender confusion is to be expected in northern CA... and re: looking puffy, yes taken this morning although not particularly cold, but that's more or less how s/he always looks -- still, i could give them some corrid when i...
  19. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    as promised -- photos! baby & the (younger) isbar chick, who is looking more and more male as it gets older... eleanor, for comparison -- she's thinking about flying up to my shoulder, which she did right after this baby -- always with a fairly hunched-up stance & slightly...
  20. lawatt

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    so here's a non-wormy question: my two EO chicks are 6 weeks old as of yesterday, and Baby remains something of a gender mystery -- pale coloring & slow-to-develop tail feathers, but also a comb identical in size to Eleanor's, not showing any sign of growing yet. any thoughts on which...
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