French frogs

Aren't all birds messy?

The black one is Cricket the Cayuga.  Full of personality, on the quiet side, usually the first to try something new.

Shooot! Ducks are waaayyyy messier than any of my other birbs! :lol:

The incubator hasn't come in yet?

Her birthday isn't until October ;)

[COLOR=333333]I pulled 5 more Barnie eggs that were clear.  Had marked them but left them in on Friday since I couldn't see into them very well, but yup, they were clear when opened. Today is day 11.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Of the 19 left, 5 still have loose air cells and 2 have air cells completely on the side. (Weird!)  Hoping 12 make it to lockdown, and assuming half die then, we're still on track for 6 to hatch.  :fl  [/COLOR]

You are too pessimistic, even if realistic, but I'm hoping for more for you! :fl
Duck eggs are richer.

I think it depends on the diets, personally, but I do like them for baking better than chicken eggs. But I agree with Deb, yummy scrambled too!

I had been using them for all my cookies, brownies and such, but used a lavender orpington eggs for chocolate chip cookies and I tell ya, they were fabulous!!

Some recipes adjust ok with the larger duck eggs, some not so much.
Shooot! Ducks are waaayyyy messier than any of my other birbs!

Her birthday isn't until October

You are too pessimistic, even if realistic, but I'm hoping for more for you!
LOL Losing half at lockdown is common on the high altitude threads. None of us has found a realistic way to increase the oxygen in to incubator to 23% to compensate for the decreased gas exchange. The poor chicks just outgrow the available oxygen, even with the vents wide open. (For shipped eggs coming from low altitude.)

My first shipped hatch - 5/11. So I call myself a realist, even though I tend to be pessimistic.
They were soggy so I gave them to the ducks.
Hubby says he's about 60%, I think its more like 80% of his old self. Still working up the old energy level and weight and strength, but everything else seems to be working fine ;) My ankle is weird....walking is fine, just tender to the touch, and I have a bad habit of tucking that foot up under my behind when I sit :D Thanks so much for asking. You are such a sweetheart :) I assume you kept all your digits in check while building the pens and didn't hurt anything yourself? Yall did a great job! I'm sure all those beautiful birds will thank you and enjoy it.
Glad he is doing better!! And you too!! Btw, I sit like that too... did it with a bum ankle before... yeah... no... was ok til I tried to stand up, lol...
Growing too fast & I'm taking this as an open invitation to post pics. ;) When you getting some ducks. Oz?
Cricket!!!!! :love And Walnut, Willow, & Bailey!!!! :bun
I broke the news to my wife this afternoon! :lau. Her response was "ducks are messy!" Now I can show her your baby taking a tub bath! They are so pretty! What's the black one again?
Messy, but way more disease resistant than chickens... easier upkeep than chickens... and tons more personalities... you need ducks... :D ;)
[COLOR=333333]I pulled 5 more Barnie eggs that were clear. Had marked them but left them in on Friday since I couldn't see into them very well, but yup, they were clear when opened. Today is day 11.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Of the 19 left, 5 still have loose air cells and 2 have air cells completely on the side. (Weird!) Hoping 12 make it to lockdown, and assuming half die then, we're still on track for 6 to hatch. :fl [/COLOR]
:fl Go Barnies!!!!
LOL  Losing half at lockdown is common on the high altitude threads.  None of us has found a realistic way to increase the oxygen in to incubator to 23% to compensate for the decreased gas exchange.  The poor chicks just outgrow the available oxygen, even with the vents wide open. (For shipped eggs coming from low altitude.)

My first shipped hatch  - 5/11.  So I call myself a realist, even though I tend to be pessimistic. :gig

Hard to believe someone hasn't come up with some "fix" for that. But I'll still be extra optimistic for you.

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