7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

These are the two that hatched overnight
I have 3 rhodebar eggs pipped in the bator now. Just a day late
it really stinks that i have to leave for about 4 hours but maybe I'll come home to some new babies

Oh those Rhodebars are pretty birds. :)
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I have to catch up but I wanted to share that ALL of my eggs hatched!!

I'm so happy!! A few were a little slow and each time I checked on them throughout the night, I had good timing and got to see just as the chick pushed out!! I have 8 silkie babies!!

Well my eggs were a little slower and just started hatching this morning. So far 2 have hatched and one is a turken! YAY!
It is great that you have some hatching now!

Morning everyone! Woke up this morning and I was 11 pages behind in the thread. lol. Also, three more chicks hatched (including the olive egg that I had to pip) and a day early quail chick. That makes 11/20 chickens +1 quail lol.

Let's see, now for the totals

3/4 black copper marans
2/3 splash marans
1/1 mille fleur
0/1 gold necked d'uccle
6/11 backyard mixes

1/15 coturnix quail (so far)
(1 egg infertile and tossed, 1 early hatcher, 13 still in lockdown.)

It is amazing to see different breeds hatching in the same incubator and different results.
My pigeon egg is zipping!
Can't wait!

another one is out for 13 hatched.
Okay so my aunt had it wrong ....2 both ac eggs hatched and one fobro. The other fibro that pipped DIS. It had yellowish bubbles?? Dried over the pipped opening...so could not breath anymore..not sure how that happened...so I got 3/6 that hatched. The other ac egg died around day 18 19...still had yolk to absorb. But here are my little bits!!!!

My last egg is out and drying. Looks to be trying to walk already. Thats a hatch rate of 100% all my eggs are hatched. These were local eggs.
Okay so my aunt had it wrong ....2 both ac eggs hatched and one fobro. The other fibro that pipped DIS. It had yellowish bubbles?? Dried over the pipped opening...so could not breath anymore..not sure how that happened...so I got 3/6 that hatched. The other ac egg died around day 18 19...still had yolk to absorb. But here are my little bits!!!!


Still 50% on shipped eggs!! Way to go!!! :celebrate

Pair of AC's and a fibro! Not too shabby!! :D ;)

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