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Asil cock.

Really? All of the Hatch chickens I have raised over the years have been very calm towards people. The rooster in the picture will sit on my arm all day long and the kids play with him alot. But as far as Hatch's being high strung they are but all the ones I've had has always been calm as long as there are no more fowl around.
I just picked up these two and they are sure pretty. Not sure what color they are though. Some shade of Duckwing I guess. They are not really silver as the color is a little bit smokey brown.


Mammy white hen with chicks, hatched on mothers day.. ain't that somethin. 8 chicks total, 6 whites.. 2 white/brownish ones.


with dads tail in the way... sorry couldn't get close she kept running off and puffed up like that when i get within 10 feet.. i had to bribe with feed.

father.. i know i post him a lot, but i thought this was a pretty good photo.

forgive small photos and bad quality.. had to use my cellphone
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