January 2017 Hatch-a-long

I am going to be joining you all! I will be setting eggs Friday the 6th - more BCMs and our sweet BR/BCM crosses (black sex links). I had ordered a shipment of Bielefelders to set as well, but it looks like they've been lost in the mail somewhere. Ugh.
Yay!! After a sad zero hatch rate from my December shipped eggs, I am so happy with my January batch, thus far.

Today is Day 5, and candling showed very nice veining on most of the eggs. The air cells are stabilizing, as well. I think I'll have a successful hatch of Dark Brahmas this month. Shipping shorter distances seems to be far better than cross-country transit.
I am going to be joining you all! I will be setting eggs Friday the 6th - more BCMs and our sweet BR/BCM crosses (black sex links). I had ordered a shipment of Bielefelders to set as well, but it looks like they've been lost in the mail somewhere. Ugh
Welcome to the January hatch! I love BCMs. I bought a day-old BCM chick to keep a single peachick company, and now they are inseparable. Do you find that BCM hens tend to be timid/gentle, or is it just this individual pullet I have?

So sorry eggs are missing in the mail. No fun.
I had a zero success rate from my previous incubation batch that was shipped also. Just too much jarring around I guess. My current batch were all hand delivered from a lady just 2 blocks from me and all laid within the last 24 hours so I should have a great success rate with this batch.

Good luck to us all!
Well, I am officially irritated with this one Buff Orpington... after everything that has happened, she abandoned her nest today! So that is another clutch lost from her. Well, I brought them all inside and candled them, and threw together a sudden makeshift incubator. I don't have all the parts I need, but hopefully it will do. One egg was infertile, the other 11 were developing, but there were only 2 I could see well enough to really feel confident that they are still alive. Three eggs are cracked (one I am pretty sure cracked when another hen laid an egg that landed on it today). I figured "what the hey" and have all 11 in the makeshift bator and will candle again in 3 days. If the two are still alive, I will likely just take them out and put them under Buffy, whose eggs are only 1 day behind these ones (because all three broodies rotated nest boxes a few days ago). I guess we'll see how it goes!
Welcome to the January hatch! I love BCMs. I bought a day-old BCM chick to keep a single peachick company, and now they are inseparable. Do you find that BCM hens tend to be timid/gentle, or is it just this individual pullet I have?

So sorry eggs are missing in the mail. No fun.
I only have one BCM pullet right now, (i have a knack for hatching cockerels it seems) and she is very docile. Her name is Maryanne (Gilligan's Island themed group).
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I had a zero success rate from my previous incubation batch that was shipped also. Just too much jarring around I guess. My current batch were all hand delivered from a lady just 2 blocks from me and all laid within the last 24 hours so I should have a great success rate with this batch.

Good luck to us all!
I have a love hate relationship with shipped eggs. Without them, I wouldn't have some of my favorite birds, but the high mortality rate is sometimes quite depressing!
I just set 34 Lavender Orphington and 6 EE eggs today, very cold here in Rhode Island but i am too anxious to wait, hoping for the best,

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