Muscovy Ducks ~ Do they need a pond?

I don't have a pond, but mine sure love to swim in the kids swimming pool I bought them. I think as long as they have adequate drinking water in a deep container, they should be okay.
I got 4 Muscovys a few weeks ago and they do not really care to swim. I have 3 kiddie pools that are set up for the other ducks and geese and they will stand on the side and drink from it but I have yet to see one of them go in. They just need water deep enough to put their whole head in so they can stay clean.
No, they don't need a pond. Some like to swim, others don't. I have 3 of my original breeders who like to splash around in 2 gl. black tubs but don't go in the kiddie pool. 2 who do go into the kiddie pool daily for a good bath but none of the original 5 who will go into the bigger 6' swimming pool. Only the juvies who grew up with the bigger pool will use it.
No duck really needs a pond, per se, but all should have access to water deep enough so that they can get in and get wet. Not only do they clean their eyes & nostrils by dunking their heads in water, they also keep their feathers in good condition by bathing and preening. Ducks who don't have adequate water for bathing are going to be more prone to external parasites which are nearly unheard of on a duck in good condition and they won't be as waterproof and they won't be able to maintain warmth as well. It doesn't have to be a big deal, a small rubber livestock feed tub would be sufficient. I use any number of things, but for a small flock what would work exceptionally well is a contractor's pan that can be found at Lowe's or Home Depot. They're in the cement section and are black, rectangular and about 4" deep, I think. Presto! Instant bird bath! I paid $4.99 a few years ago - do not know what they cost now although I do know they do have larger ones also available now which they didn't when I was buying mine.
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