The Legbar Thread!

I got a 6! I am shocked.
But I probably couldn't do it a second time.

I don't understand the high score for age group. I thought the worst you could get was 99, so what does 1520 mean?
I got a 10 on the color test, but I didn't look at the comparison for my age and gender. But a friend of mine took it twice, once in a dark room on a laptop and once in a lighted room on a PC- her score was much better on the PC. So it doesn't hurt to try taking it again!

I got an 8 but I'm thinking the quality of your video card and quality of screen could help. My PC would have been much worse than the laptop. Now to torture my partially color blind husband with it :)
hi all --

finally got some okay photos of my two cream legbars -- the older, 7 week old Amelia, who came from Just Struttin' Farm (Deann Disilva) here in the Bay Area, and the younger, 4-5 week old Speedy, who was shipped here by Richard at Jordan Farm:

two two together -- speedy seems like she'll have a small crest, while amelia doesn't show any sign of one

but amelia has a HUGE tail!

amelia, with very woodsy coloring

speedy seems like she'll have more grey...

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