Any Home Bakers Here?

You guys have to understand that most of what I am feeling is my mental illness. My brain scan showed that I don’t find enjoyment or happiness in doing things.

unfortunately, baking falls in that list.

that’s why I haven’t posted in a while, not much baking going on because of my illness.

Believe it or not, I have to put off duck and goose season for a little bit. I probably won’t start opening day.

just lots of stuff going on.
Did the scans help with medication? My Youngest DD is doing much better with her medication
You are?? Holy Moses, that's high. We're only about 4200' here. Are you in Casper now?

I'm south of there at the company house right now. Casper is a bit lower in elevation than down here.

emotional difficulties. That’s why I haven’t posted in a while.

Sorry to hear that Jared, we missed you!
You may want to core the apples so that the seeds don't get broken up and their juice added. I could be wrong but believe the seeds may contain cyanide.
That is a bit worrisome! We don't eat the seeds but the chickens do. They get a cut up core with seeds most days. I haven't noticed anything in 8 years so MAYBE it is OK? And people feed whole apples to their pigs and goats and they are OK. hmmmmm

Understood. Ill post so you all dont worry about me, then.
Please do, we DO worry when our friends are AWOL.

Ever seen a Rubik's Cube that changes colors on each square? Well, I just solved one.
Changing colors is NOT FAIR!!!!
Good job.

We will find that out at my next appointment.
I hope they can get you settled. Not fun to live with such an illness.

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