My leukemia's back.



Hopelessly Addicted
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Southern Oregon
I really haven't wanted to post this, but denial can only take you so far.......

Some of my byc family remembers I was diagnosed with leukemia in June 13. I did all the chemo and had a clean bone marrow in Feb 14, indicating remission. Well, that didn't last. My labs started dropping and I had another bone marrow biopsy, it confirmed I'm relapsed. I go back to OHSU in Portland on Tuesday for induction chemo again. This means a 4-6 week stay, 250 miles from home
. It's going to be quite a challenge for my family. My honey's having a hard time not being able to be with me, but he's got to hold down the fort at home. The boys aren't happy, of course, but at least we've had some warning this time. After Induction and some more chemo, they'll be looking for a bone marrow donor since I don't have appropriate siblings. This whole process is going to take a long, long time.

I know God's got my back with this, and it's His plan no matter what happens. It's just hard being so far from my family. And then even when I can come home, I'll be immune compromised and have to live like a germaphobe again--most of you know I'm pretty much the opposite of that!

So, I'd again encourage anyone who is able to donate blood. Not specifically for me, but for everyone like me out there who relies on a transfusion to keep going.

All my friends who are praying folk--your prayers are always accepted! For those who aren't praying people, feel free to start any time

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