2014 New York Chickenstock

What happened to your Smart Car? It didn't get dumb, did it?
hardy har har =) No, seriously - it's still sitting with a local mechanic who we are letting play with it, but it appears it might have a bad valve and would cost megabux to fix. DH doesn't want to risk putting a new engine in so we'll either end up garaging it or selling it for as much as we can to help pay off the loan. Only 47K on it and out of warranty. =(
hardy har har =) No, seriously - it's still sitting with a local mechanic who we are letting play with it, but it appears it might have a bad valve and would cost megabux to fix. DH doesn't want to risk putting a new engine in so we'll either end up garaging it or selling it for as much as we can to help pay off the loan. Only 47K on it and out of warranty. =(

that doesn't sound like a good recommendation for Smart Cars. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope it is repairable.
What happened to your Smart Car? It didn't get dumb, did it?

Thank you. I wanted to say it, but you know how it goes with the sense of humor. Gets me in trouble.

It's IQ went down and now it won't start.
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I want to come to the picnic!!!! My homeschool closing program is that same day :( I may just skip it lol
Rome is an hour and a half drive so I can't do both. If I come what should I bring?? Food?
I haven't read the whole thread but if I do come I'm interested in NN, frizzles, Marans maybe runners And SF. Just a couple things I saw mentioned. Also maybe if anyone has guinea hen eggs?
I want to come to the picnic!!!! My homeschool closing program is that same day :( I may just skip it lol
Rome is an hour and a half drive so I can't do both. If I come what should I bring?? Food?
I haven't read the whole thread but if I do come I'm interested in NN, frizzles, Marans maybe runners And SF. Just a couple things I saw mentioned. Also maybe if anyone has guinea hen eggs?

I've got guineas. Marans too. I could definitely see about collecting some eggs for you. My marans are BBS copper, but someone also has a really nice flock of just black copper if you wanted to go that route. Tab has NN frizzle OEs, Nava has gorgeous NNs but you have to let them know ahead of time if you'd like some.
We also have golden cuckoo marans, egg color isn't as dark as other marans though.
Have you figured how to do a update on the items people are bringing ?
I have some Rose of Sharon baby seedlings / trees I could bring to trade or auction
...Have to see what donations I get from the trees in the spring
Some new chicken/ duck/ farm themed things ...to Auction..still working on the details of some of it
OK...I am going to say dh and I are coming. Need to know what to bring for food. I also have silkies and could bring some chicks or eggs if anyone is interested to trade/swap. I am sure Rancher will want a few. I have blue and splash and self blue porcelain. Good lines (SimplySplendidSilkies and Geri Godina silkies). I may also have a few Heritage Rhode Island Red chicks depending on how my hatch comes out. I am interested in the plum trees someone has but my soil is clay and acidic so I dont know how they would do. Let me know if you are interested in anything. Oh---I could hatch out some mutt chicks or bring mutt eggs if anyone wants them.
OK...I am going to say dh and I are coming.  Need to know what to bring for food.  I also have silkies and could bring some chicks or eggs if anyone is interested to trade/swap.  I am sure Rancher will want a few.  I have blue and splash and self blue porcelain.  Good lines (SimplySplendidSilkies and Geri Godina silkies).  I may also have a few Heritage Rhode Island Red chicks depending on how my hatch comes out.  I am interested in the plum trees someone has but my soil is clay and acidic so I dont know how they would do.  Let me know if you are interested in anything.  Oh---I could hatch out some mutt chicks or bring mutt eggs if anyone wants them.  

I would love a couple of splash.

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