2014 New York Chickenstock

Lavender Festival coming up in July.   

Oh and if you've not been,  there is a good place to eat, called "Pumpkin Hill" in Aurora.  We then like to walk through McKenzie Childs and wish we had money to afford it.   They have a beautiful gate I'd like but at $1,000 it's out of my range by about $900.  :lau    Nice way to spend a day. 

I Looooooove MacKenzie Childs! I get their catalog and can look at it all day long. My mom loves their stuff too.
So far 8 of the 12 lavs hatched! One is lingering on and three early quitters.... I know it's not great hatch rate but it is for me- finally!!



Also- some of my chicks come out kind of gooey and not fluff up nice after 24 hours... Is this because humidity is too high? It's between 60-70 at lockdown....

How are the rest of the hatches?? Curious if the eggs I brought hatched out? I donated the welsummers and Olive eggers...
Also- some of my chicks come out kind of gooey and not fluff up nice after 24 hours... Is this because humidity is too high? It's between 60-70 at lockdown....

How are the rest of the hatches?? Curious if the eggs I brought hatched out? I donated the welsummers and Olive eggers...
I bought 34 eggs at chickenstock and had the same worries about humidity. The humidity in the house was so high for the incubation weeks that the incubator hung around 40%, way too high. I hatched 22 that lived and all were fertile and developed more or less. One was so sticky it was drying to the bottom of the incubator so I immersed it in warm water to wash off the slime and then snuggled it in a washcloth back in the incubator to dry out. They are all fuzzy now since they cleaned themselves up after a day or two.

Sadly one died after external pip when it pipped underneath and glued itself to the wire where I couldn't see it. I think there was so much moisture in the egg it suffocated in the fluid that ran down around its beak. Another had to be helped and then I found it had a deformed neck and couldn't stand up. Also had part of the intestine sticking out of the belly, so after letting it dry and waiting to see if it would correct, I culled it. I felt horrible doing it as it was vigorous and crying, but didn't want it to suffer. No way it would have been able to eat and drink and the others would have trampled it to death.

I am super pleased with such a great hatch considering the weather related humidity problems, an hours long power outage, and the incubator going haywire toward the end when the embryos started generating so much heat and moisture. During hatch it went up to 101 degrees and 90% humidity. I kept watch and vented by propping the observation windows a crack until it went down and kept repeating until I could start removing dry chicks to the brooder to help stabilize it.

There were so many hatching eggs in the auction and changing hands. I would really like to know how everyone made out! I donated the LF cochins and didn't win any eggs :(
So far 8 of the 12 lavs hatched! One is lingering on and three early quitters.... I know it's not great hatch rate but it is for me- finally!!

Also- some of my chicks come out kind of gooey and not fluff up nice after 24 hours... Is this because humidity is too high? It's between 60-70 at lockdown....

How are the rest of the hatches?? Curious if the eggs I brought hatched out? I donated the welsummers and Olive eggers...
Yes, sticky chicks are a sure sign the humidity is too high. I barely put any water in the incubator, maybe once a week a cup or so. thats it. Much better hatches since doing that.
I've been doing dry hatches and it seems to work well for me. I also hatched 8/12 lav. orps. And 9/12 GCM from chicken stock eggs! The guinea eggs from Impulsive farmer are in lockdown now.
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Hatching is so incredibly stressful for me!!! I used to do dry incubation but had extremely low hatch rates. More than once I had 0 hatch :(

so this last batch I put the sponge in the incubator and added water every now and then. I wasn't very scientific about it. Humidity usually stayed between 20-30 until lockdown.
Here are my chickenstock babies: 3 Cochins & 2 barnevelders.


Almost had a third barnevelder, but there was a problem at hatch involving blood, poor chick. Of the other 4 eggs that made it to lockdown, it appeared one drowned. The other 3 had no internal pip. Hatching is tough. Seems best I can do is 40-50% hatch rate, still lots to learn.

Does anyone out there weigh their eggs at set and candling & adjust humidity accordingly? The 3 eggs which did not pip lost 12% weight by lock down. Shouldn't that be enough?
You want 15% weightloss by lockdown. I have more sebbie eggs coming, so I have to break out the scale! I don't usually bother weighing with other species, but with geese it's important.

From the chickenstock eggs, I hatched four wheaton ameraucanas, one lavender orpington, and one black orpington. That's it for chicken eggs. Three cayuga eggs started, but all quit. Two welsh harlequin eggs are still going, but the air cells are awfully small. My welsh harlequin eggs from my birds are doing well, but they were in the Brinsea. The LG was just too humid apparently. Four turkey eggs also went into lockdown today and two were already externally pipped!
You want 15% weightloss by lockdown. I have more sebbie eggs coming, so I have to break out the scale! I don't usually bother weighing with other species, but with geese it's important.

From the chickenstock eggs, I hatched four wheaton ameraucanas, one lavender orpington, and one black orpington. That's it for chicken eggs. Three cayuga eggs started, but all quit. Two welsh harlequin eggs are still going, but the air cells are awfully small. My welsh harlequin eggs from my birds are doing well, but they were in the Brinsea. The LG was just too humid apparently. Four turkey eggs also went into lockdown today and two were already externally pipped!
'Who are you getting Sebbie eggs from now? I had to stop hatching for summer vacation, etc. didn't want any very young babies then.
None of the Cayuga eggs made it? I had them & my Sebbie eggs in a dry hatch. And they still didn't dry down like they should...

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