2015 August hatch-a-long!!

First time using it...I started off with an IncuView which I returned because it stopped working at day 17...luckily I had a HovaBator which I transferred the eggs to and ended up with a 88% hatch rate!
I liked the IncuView and may try it again, but I was so annoyed when it stopped working...in all fairness, I must say that Incubatorwarehouse went out of their way to please me and returned my money straight away after I returned it, at their expense I might add.
My Incuview stopped working after one week. Good thing I only set a few eggs from my own flock and not specially ordered hatching eggs. I have a replacement part on the way.
I really enjoy seeing everyone's progress with their clutches! Those 13 chicks are so cute!

I had 2 hatch during the night, but after midnight, so technically Aug 1st, if that matters! Nice strong happy chicks, from BSL roo, one WL egg and one BA egg, that one is black with large black eyes like momma. They were under my first-to-go-broody EE, had pipped and I saw ants in the nest but not in the eggs, so I brought them in and raised the humidity over night in my incubator clutch and went back out and dusted every clutch with DE. I let them stay in the bator after hatch and let the humidity back down till dark and went out and slipped them under mama in the dark. There are 4 more active eggs under her, but no pips as of tonight yet. I probably don't have to worry about the ants now, so may leave them under her and just check to make sure she doesn't leave the remainder. If she does, I have 3 more setting and an incubator, so we'll play musical nests!

When I win the millions, I'm gonna get a generator or 3, and a highpowered incubator or 2 and really go to town with it! My chances of winning would probably increase if I'd actually buy a ticket though

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my current incubator is a DIY foam ice chest with 2 incandescent nightlights, and lined with aluminum foil! ROFL!
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Well Uga..I don't have much more to report on this hatch of Lavenders! Man, 5 went into lock down .. and only two made it.
One of the worst hatches I've had in a long time. I want to blame it on the air sacs. Serious though, they were so bad..waay high and some saddle. Shipped from across the country to me. Shipping can be bad, but I usually do better than just 2. I think I may actually have a girl and a boy. Will see. Now for my RIR's, RSL's, and my own little back yard flock..and, I have more of my own flock eggs to put in tonight. Those air sacs should be good. Don't have a rooster anymore, hope I get some girls.
Well Uga..I don't have much more to report on this hatch of Lavenders! Man, 5 went into lock down .. and only two made it.
One of the worst hatches I've had in a long time. I want to blame it on the air sacs. Serious though, they were so bad..waay high and some saddle. Shipped from across the country to me. Shipping can be bad, but I usually do better than just 2. I think I may actually have a girl and a boy. Will see. Now for my RIR's, RSL's, and my own little back yard flock..and, I have more of my own flock eggs to put in tonight. Those air sacs should be good. Don't have a rooster anymore, hope I get some girls.

Sorry to hear about it not being the best hatch, but two is better then zero. Best of luck with your new eggs!
I know day 4 is a little early for candling but I'm impressed :) Ebay mixed colour Silkie eggs... 6/6 developing nicely.... Paint to Paint mini Silkies 4/6 developing nicely... 1/6 questionable.... 1/6 looks like an early embryo death... 10-11/12 shipped eggs looking good pretty good for shipped eggs :D versus last months 13/24 of which 8 hatched with 1 dying at 5 days old... Looking better this time around and I have half the number of eggs :)
My first batch started on day 28 and finished day 30. Second batch I put under a broody chicken and took from her on day 25 and they started that day and finished day 26 except for the last egg which surprised us on day 28.
Since my first hatch was a complete failure I decided to keep more record of this hatch. I started with 14 eggs of different breeds.i weighed them when I got them and every 3-4 days will be weighing them to see how they have been doing. So today was day 3 and there weight is exactly where it should be. First step to a successful hatch. I have 1 still in the incubator from my last 6 but I don't think it's alive. I'm going to give it 2 more day. I hope it hatches for the sheer fact I don't want to do an eggtopsy. I know I can learn what went wrong but I can't lie, it freaks me out.

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